The Criterion

These continue having a notable influence, even though decisive in the options and values adopted for the children. Generally, in regards to values and primordial purposes of the life, both the influences tend if to fortify and to complement reciprocal, at least when the friends they proceed from same classroom social group of the proper family. The contradictions between the values of the group and of the family costumam to affect superficial aspects of the form to dress, preferences and gostos, the general style of life, but not in such a way the decisive options and values. Generally, the adolescent observes more the criterion of the parents of what of the friends, in substances that if relate its future, but follows more of the friends in options on the gift, in the accomplishment of its desires and current necessities. Everything what was said previously contributes to reduce very in the spread out topic of that the conflict between the adolescent and its parents is little less of what it seems to be inevitable e, therefore, very frequent. truth that seems to be inevitable and obeys the necessity, over all of the adolescent, to inside redefine its position of the family.

But, certainly, the gravity and the frequency of this conflict had been exaggerated. In all in case that, a parental behavior of igualitria, democratic and/or liberal orientation contributes to prevent the conflicts more serious and to calm and to become cmodas the relations with the children of this age. The adolescence also is the moment where the individual consolidates its specific abilities in such a way, how much its ability or general capacity ahead of the world, the reality, entorno social, establishing its adaptation and adjustments, that not yet are definitive, but they are the ones that more last, during its life. In this age, the process of internalization of the cultural guidelines and value is consummated, perfecting itself it acquisition of abilities techniques, communicative e, in general, social.

Nuclear Families

For reasons several, the nuclear family father, mother, children each time if dissolves more quickly, or not even it arrives to consist, being substituted for the monoparental families and the unions of fact. The nuclear families, who still remain themselves complete and coesas, comungando objectivos common of security, afectividade, feeding, kinship, solidarity and loving union, in turn, many of them, enough are not prepared to give a compatible education with the change that if praises. Equally if she must consider, still, the exercise of the authority in the seio of the family, which also will have been sufficiently weakened, not in such a way for the allotment of tasks between the spouses, more because the occupation of the parents and people in charge of education compel them the long absences before the children, perhaps looking for, later, to compensate them with a set of easinesses and objectos of the taste of the children, reducing, much, even for a moral question, the imposition of determined values, principles and rules, what it harms the exercise of the authority. The change of certain educational paradigms, must not only be a objectivo of all the responsible ones for the education and of the school and the family, even so if it recognizes second that in the current situation, characterized for a certain positivista mentality excessively, relegating for plain other dimensions and values, not to be easy to the families and the society, because also, of some form, already the effective paradigms interiorizaram, not being guaranteed that if it obtains to modify mentalities, already crystallized well, exactly to the level of the school, the humanistic areas, not to be developed enough, mainly in the schools technician-professionals. The alleged infalibilidade of science and the technique; so divulged insubstituabilidade of these domnios; a certain preconception of reinante superiority in some communities, makes it difficult the urgent interdisciplinaridade between abstractos science, technique, knowledge, subjectividade of analyses and position, when, in good truth, it does not seem to exist incompatibility between those domnios.

Avila Cultures

– To provide unilateral development. – To recognize the different cultural manifestations as production of the humanity in the different times and the different spaces, relating them with the local context. – To respect the cultural, ethnic, religious diversity. – To present the works developed for the pertaining to school community. 4.

THEORETICAL RECITAL: The culture is historical, to think about culture is to think about knowledge, meaning and forms to interpret the world and our daily one. The construction of a culture is based in what we were adding throughout history to transform and to transmit our thought, our forms of being and feeling. To know, to learn, to see the differences, as we are and as we relate in them is if to appropriate of the knowledge. To understand the knowledge, we have that to reflect the innumerable factors for which we are influenced, as: what we attend in the TV, what we have as reading habit, to know acquired, of incorporated corporal techniques, among others. Avila (2000, p.2) when dealing with the culture indicates in them that we cannot understand it as something homogeneous, alerting for the fact of that it possesss different forms to coexist in the social sphere, reflecting forms different of appropriation of the cultural capital: the popular cultures (according to Gramsci), the hegemonic cultures and the culture of mass. For it has a current agreement of that the popular culture is something primitive, that needs to evolve. Chau (apud Avila, 2000, p.3) presents the following questioning regarding the popular culture: ' ' It would be the culture of a people or the culture for povo' '? This desencadeamento of some cultures, the received and added influences had been being incorporated for the people and reflected in the society what in it supplies the agreement to them of that is reciprocal in this process of composition of the historical passage.