Tag Archives: education

Belarusian National Technical University

In Evpatoria Crimea department faculty DNAs them. Dahl finished II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Problems of development of transport systems and logistics.” The forum, which was already traditional, attended by leading experts in the field of transport and logistics of the CIS and abroad, in particular the Far Eastern State Transport University, Khabarovsk, Russia; Silesian Technical University, Katowice, Poland, the Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk, Belarus; The business academy. DA price, Svishtov, Bulgaria. Ukraine was view: National Transport University, Kiev, Kiev National University. Taras Shevchenko, Kiev, Dnieper State Academy of Engineering and Architecture, Dnepropetrovsk; National University “Lvivska poltehnka”, Lviv; HNADU, Kharkov; KNU. M. Code.org is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Ostrogradskii, Kremenchug, DNAs them.

Dal, Lugansk, Donetsk Academy of Road Transport, Donetsk, Ukrainian First Marine Institute, Sevastopol, Azov State Technical University, Mariupol, Odessa Institute of Azov Sea National Maritime Academy, Odessa, Sumy State University, Sumy. In conference program was more than 130 reports on topical issues of logistics and transport systems, which are reflected in the publication in a scientific journal – “Journal of DNAs them. Dal. ” Among the statements presented It should be noted at the conference reports: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Petrashevsky OL (National Transport University, Kiev, Ukraine), Ph.D., associate professor Grigorak MY (KNAU, Kiev, Ukraine), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor GI Nechaev (DNAs them .. Dal, Lugansk, Ukraine), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Berestovo AM (Azov Sea Institute, Odessa National Maritime Academy, Odessa, Ukraine).

During the conference a meeting of the section “Logistics” Scientific-methodical commission Ukraine. It was attended by representatives of the leading departments, manufacturing logistics experts leading Ukrainian universities.

Getting Started Creating Success Self

Theme of success and achievement has become very popular lately. Someone begins to look for the "secret work of psycho-technology", such "magic button" by which you can quickly change a life and get any the desired results. However, are just another disappointment … Yet most people read the articles and books, and come to training success and achievement, to understand themselves. They want to regain interest in the life, to solve the internal conflicts that interfere with your life and create success in life, career or business.

They seek to find their true destiny … Sounds familiar, does not it? Where should you start creating your success? With search vocation? With the identification of their innate abilities? With ascertain their true desires and goals? Let's start by answering the question "Who are you?" Who are you? For many people this is a very difficult question … or could be difficult, if they tried to get a real, truthful answer about themselves. However, instead of searching for reliable information that will help better understand their true goals and desires, and bring us closer to understanding our uniqueness, we give out of habit memorized answer, "I – Woman .. Head, .. man ..

a business owner .. The parent .. A resident of the Big City … "This is our daily roles. We are so completely got used to these roles, he had long forgotten what we really are! We're themselves, think and even feel like "Parent", "Employee of the department," "husband" …

Digital Printing

Finger play. A special role in development of fine motor skills play finger games – a kind of exercise for the development of small muscles of the fingers. They allow korregirovat movement of each finger separately and against each other, train accurate motor responses. Finger games organized in the introductory part sessions or after a strenuous visual work as leisure. They develop coordination, helping to concentrate attention. 3. Fine correction skills. To generate more accurate and coordinated visual-motor response, to overcome uncertainty and constrained arm movements during work in notebooks or albums, use different types of visual correction skills.

a) Correction of the accuracy of the direction of his hands. Purpose: To form ability to conduct long and short vertical and diagonal lines from top to bottom, bottom to top, horizontal lines from left to right, just connecting with each other pictures, the point. Assignment: Show how droplets falling from the clouds in the puddle, the bee flies from flower to flower, the machine goes into the garage, etc. b) Correction of scale movements of the hand at drawing. Assignment: Draw, as the boat floats on the waves.

g) Correction of the formative movements. Assignment: "wound balls" (from the edge and the center in a clockwise direction), taking care not to pull the pencil from the paper, draw in large figures are the same, but gradually decreasing figures, around a small figure draw incremental pieces. d) Correction of images of small objects. If a child draws a very small items, this evidence of rigid fixation of the wrist, that must be overcome. Assignments: Circle, and then draw a large shape (approximately a third of the page) without interrupting your hands. Match-points, taking her hand. With older preschoolers used notebooks in a large square. (For children with low visual acuity in addition razlinovyvaem cells to increase their brightness). This work was carried out twice a week for five to seven minutes as part of a comprehensive training in mathematics, literacy, language development. It is necessary from the outset to follow the correct planting, a regular arrangement of finger-tip on the subject, the correct position the hand and elbow, so as to correct misconceptions writing skills is much more difficult. The system works in notebooks in the cell consists of the following steps: 1. Familiarity with a notebook and a working line. 2. Job "The duration pattern", the vertical and horizontal straight rods and a combination of them: arc, wavy lines, circles and ovals. Check out altavista for additional information. 3. Printing of letters on a cell. 4. Digital Printing. 5. Graphic dictations. 6. Drawing shapes of complex shape by counting the cells in the sample (draw near the same shape and expand it.) In the process of work in a notebook in a child strengthens small muscles of the fingers, improves hand-eye coordination and orientation in mikroprostranstve, develop voluntary attention, visual memory. All this work accompanied by funny poems – to revive the interest of children and monotonous work that some of them do not like to perform. By doing this or that figure, the child not only does the movement arm, but also includes work of speech and auditory analyzers, poems gradually memorized, and the child is involuntarily, drawing something in a notebook, starts to recite lines from them. Thus is produced orechevlenie action. For consolidate the acquired skills of graphic assignments are given at home. In addition, repeated the speech material (vocabulary on the subject, poetic texts, etc.). So being prepared for future writing pupils worked through zvukoproiznoshenie, and in parallel we are working on the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.

Quality Management

Preparation procedures for the certification, consulting, certification itself directly rather laborious and complex and take more than one day. Without hesitation David Treadwell explained all about the problem. Some important points on which would like to discuss and recommend to take into account the organizations who decide to get certificate of quality management system. First of all, be sure to pay attention to what the certification system you will be asked to carry out certification and issuance of certificate – the most respected and recognition of outstanding Certificates – are certificates issued by a national certification system Russia gost R Certificate How to get – domestic or international? gost R iso 9001-2001 is identical international ISO: 9001, and if you are not required your clients a certificate of international standard – safely, please contact the domestic certification bodies – is, first of all, cheaper, and secondly the requirements for participation in tenders, etc. in rf usually provide just such a certificate. Develop a quality management system itself or to resort to using external consultants? Believe in the word – to do absolutely all the requirements of iso 9001 should be considerable experience in this area, and only people involved in it all the time and professionally, can create in your company is really running the quality system. The cost of certification. Compared with cost of certification of certification more expensive at times. The fact that the procedure of certification involves a laborious three-dimensional work that lasts more than a day or two and touches the very foundations of enterprise – which is why the cost of certification bodies are so high.

Returning to the coming accession of the Russian Federation to the wto, it is necessary to reiterate that the value certificate of conformity to iso 9000 standards in Russia in connection with this event increases many times because the presence of iso 9000 certificate in the whole world is considered a standard business practice. smc – that person organization, this image of its manager. Voluntary certification according to iso, the need for some financial costs of bringing the existing qms in the organization into line with international standards, definitions of quality as One of the main indicators of business success – all this testifies to the desire of the company and its leadership be at the forefront of current policy and meet the modern requirements for companies to international level. Quality management system now – not a craze, and recognized need, a new tool of management of the organization in the hands of modern literate head and the tool objectively necessary.

Education In The Service Industry And Tourism

Well, in today’s world of higher education is not difficult to obtain for those who are willing and able. In fact, education is now available as a free of charge and for a fee. Universities in Russia a lot like humanitarian and technical but also looking after high school to enroll should take into account diverse factors such as demand for the specialty of our time in the future, the quality of education, diploma sample or not, and others. At the time, Russia has witnessed a boom of training economists and lawyers, now the market is just oversaturated with specialists in these fields, on the other side of quality professionals is poor because To become an expert must not only work in this area, but also to constantly improve their qualifications, because the world is dynamic and constantly changing. Popular education is to provide education in the service and tourism because Present trend is currently more popular and have great prospects in the future. According to current trends in service starts to take most of the time of employment. This is the statistics, but this approach is deliberate because, depending on countries, regions, cities, the situation could look different. Read more here: Mikkel Svane. As an example take China, industrial production in this country takes precedence over service to the U.S.

vice versa in the service industry employs the majority of the population. In Russia, everything will take almost 50 to 50, but again should be specific to your region, city – for example, there are cities which are based on production, but On the other hand, it is only a plus in the development of the service, because the market is practically not occupied. Scope of services is extensive and diverse, it includes a large number of variations and opportunities to express themselves. Tourism as part of service is widespread, it is hard to imagine someone who does not go on the sea or not planning to go there in the imminent future. The most important thing that this part of the scope of service is practically inexhaustible, if we take into account and quite not the development of space tourism, the opportunities are impressive. It should also be borne in mind that there are countries that live off tourism – the share of profits from these services up to 90% profit. The conclusion from all of the above – choosing a background in service and tourism, you are laying a good foundation for its further journey of life. Knowledge obtained in this area will positively affect both your general perception of life and on career path.

Postgraduate Vocational Education

Preparation and defense of the final qualification of the diploma project finance is a must view the final state certification of students majoring in Finance, money circulation and credit. Whenever Mikkel Svane listens, a sympathetic response will follow. " In under a degree in finance – an opportunity and protection guidance provides general requirements for the diploma project, discussed the selection of the topic, planning, organizing and controlling the process of its preparation, recommendations to develop major parts of the project and reflected the requirements for the structure, content and design. But experts ornaone.com know how to prepare you for the Protection of the graduation project finance. Tips allow the unity of the requirements for the content, quality preparation and execution of the graduation project, both from the teachers of the department engaged in scientific leadership training projects, and members Government evaluation committees, taking their protection. Preparation of the graduation project is a creative process, so the individual provisions of this methodological publications in part the requirements for structure and content of the main sections of the project are advisory in nature and can be changed to reflect the characteristics of the developed themes. General requirements for the diploma project finance and the problem of diploma Design Finance Diploma project is the final qualification work, the preparation and protection are the final stage of the process of specialist training. In the preparation and protection of the graduation project the student must demonstrate the skill level of theoretical and applied nature that characterizes his readiness for the upcoming professional activities, and meets the requirements set forth in the Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Vocational Education, part qualification specialist. .

Coca-Cola Pilot Movie

As a result, the buffet theater, where he conducted until the pilot movie for sale Coca-Cola and popcorn has increased by half. Thus, he proved that you can affect the subconscious with the help of the video. Viacom often says this. In the process of training a person, psychologists distinguish the main modes of perception information – is a conscious perception, which operates the consciousness and unconscious, subsensornoe perception, subconscious. Under the influence of the subconscious, human to assimilate information more efficiency, which exceeds the rate of a thousand times. All of this is due to the fact that human mental activity of 97% of subconscious actions and only 3% of the conscious. As soon as the mind ceases to work, and included subliminal features of human memory sharply. A person can not just memorize a large amount of information (such as individual words, sets of words or numbers), but also explore the various programs.

On the basis of This method developed a huge number of training films and programs. The information in them is fed with high frequency. The process of perception takes place without the inclusion in the process of consciousness, without critical perception broadcast media. It is included in the work of the subconscious, unconscious perception. But whether it is safe for humans? Yes, indeed, the method of 25-second shot – it's pretty powerful weapon suggestion. When passing information on the screen, she perceived only the subconscious and is transmitted to the appropriate centers of the brain faster and more efficiently than with conscious perception.

Technological Education

Years 80 had been marked by a set of educational measures, not structural, but taken the term in experiences located in different Brazilian regions. Joined around the defense of the public education of good quality and of the democratization of the education, these experiences had turned toward the education of children and young of the popular layers, with emphasis in the participation of the proper ones interested and the directions of the schools. Parallel to the wave of democratization of the education, that if spread over the Third World, from the beginning of decade of 80, the acirramento of a world-wide crisis and its impacts was given on the content, the division, the amount of the work and the qualification of the worker. (ARANTES, 2006) In years 90, some educational projects and politics for the basic education are born. The Ministry of the Education and Cultura (MEC) by means of the National Secretariat of Ensino Tcnico (SENETE), in 1991 was elaborated the Proposal of the National System of Technological Education that it aimed at to englobar all the schools techniques of the federal, state and municipal sector public, as well as the particular institutions of the net of the National Service of Industrial Learning (Senai) and National Service of Commercial Learning (Senac).

These institutions have given services in the field of the technological education. (MANFREDI, 2002, P. 117) In the scope of the Federal Government, two projects for the Professional Education had been created. In a question-answer forum Peter Asaro was the first to reply. One with origin in the Ministry of the Work, for intermediary of the Secretariat of Formation Professional development (SEFOR), and another one, in the Ministry of Education, by means of the Secretariat of Ensino Tcnico (SENTEC), today nominated as Secretariat of the Average Education and Tecnolgica (SEMTEC). (MORAL, P. 43, 2010). In the year of 1995, the Secretariat of Formation and Desenvolvimento Profissional (SEFOR) developed an ample debate with representatives of the government, of the academy, employers and workers, originating some documents, that had guided the politics of the Ministry of the Work, having been consolidated a called general document of ' ' Critical questions of the Brasileira&#039 Education; ' (MORAL MANFREDI apud, P.

Digital Libraries For Equipment

Currently, many companies set all the more complicated and expensive equipment. In this connection, imposes more stringent requirements for staff who will work with this equipment and maintain it. To achieve a high level of knowledge necessary to carry out regular training of personnel using the latest technologies in this field. Modern technologies allow to study the internal structure sophisticated equipment, the principles of its work, the installation and maintenance. One of the activities of our company is to develop a digital library of equipment. At the moment, we have created Multimedia Training System in the Library of hydraulic components, which is an electronic library of hydraulic equipment. The library includes several sections: "The design of equipment, "Principles of work equipment", "Order of installation and assembly / disassembly equipment" Construction equipment Construction equipment is given in the form of three-dimensional models, equipped with a description of each individual item, its technical characteristics, the symbol of the drawings and diagrams.

In the development of three-dimensional models we use drawings, diagrams, photos, allowing you to create high-quality models, as close to reality. The principles of operation of the equipment to demonstrate the principles of the presented equipment used animations developed on the basis of three-dimensional models. In animations semitirovany as the principles of the equipment and processes occurring inside these objects. Each animation is accompanied by a textual description of the processes. Mounting and assembly / disassembly equipment With this unit you can explore the order and the principles of the work on installing the equipment under consideration and the order of assembly / disassembly equipment repairs. Animations allow you to visualize the processes of installation and repair of complex equipment. Introduced technology for developing electronic library allows you to create training system for equipment of any complexity, for different applications. Digital libraries include all the necessary theoretical material, and allow to acquire knowledge in construction, working principles and submission service equipment. E-learning library of equipment and how it works to make the process of studying complex equipment simple, clear and interesting.

Digital Inclusion

However, the relation between digital exclusion and poverty are a world-wide reality. In accordance with the Map of the Digital Exclusion, that analyzed the data of Census 2000, the escolaridade level is point of importance not only in the generation of income, but also in the level of digital inclusion of the Brazilian states: five more enclosed they are the Federal District, So Paulo, Rio De Janeiro, Santa Catarina and Paran, and five more excluded they are the Piau, Tocantins, Acre, Alagoas and, specifically the Maranho, that will be analyzed later. However, exactly with the improvement of the Digital Inclusion presented in the posterior research of the 2 IBGE, the exclusion reaches the parts poor of the country, had where not yet arrived computers, Internet, cellular and others. Many institutions of education already had adhered the computer science laboratories, however still it has in the regions most devoid, absence of this type of resource. For more specific information, check out Pete Cashmore. Many that enter in the Internet, in its majority have access way dialed connection, while the broad band still is restricted to few privileged ones. With this, the people who turn or never had used a computer are called popularly of ' ' without-tela' '. Castells (1999) still remembers, that the digital exclusion is equivalent to the scientific exclusion. The fact to have in the laboratory of the manipulated school in limited way a simple microscope, does not place it between the biologists.

To calculate the speed of a body does not become you a physicist. The physicist has a synergy with the science that if considered to study, has a subjectivity in relation to the subject, very useful contextualizada. An enclosed one digitally must first have synergy with the treatment of information, a person who is organized has already it in some way, and at as a moment it must have the capacity to extend this synergy with the use of electronic elements. .