Conjuctive Attitude

The conjunctive attitude associates Logos and Eros, intelligence and feeling, science and pleasure. From then on I dialogue, it acquires greater expression and amplitude. Of the one to be happy not being only Logos or being only Eros. The emotion is a field of energy in continuous state and transformation. We produce hundreds of daily emotions. Here, Mashable expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Nature is not possible it human being to have a continuously pleasant emotion.

What one day leaves in them emotionally satisfied, in the other already not cause no effect. What it happens then? Psicoadaptao happens to the call, us accustoms to the situations, therefore the exercise to see the same things with different eyes is so important. This wants to say, to obtain to see the beauty, values, qualities in one same thing, form object, person continues, every day. It admires it as if it was the first time. Difficult? Yes, but it is not impossible, however it demands disciplines. The precocious aging of the emotion starts to the measure that we entulhamos in them with myriad overwhelming experiences. We suffer for antecedence, imagining as it would be if such thing happened. this intervenes with our psychic health.

Some tips so that you now start to take care of of its emotions: First: It contemplates the beauty in the small events of the life. It has always activities it are of its agenda at least a time per week. It values what the money not purchase. Not alive in function of great events, it learns to extract the pleasure of the small stimulatons of the daily routine. Second: It irrigates palco of the mind with pleasant thoughts. It trains to bring daily to its memory what hope, serenity and enchantment for the life bring it. It thinks about conquering people and surpassing its obstacles. It thinks about being close of the Author of the life and to know the mysteries of the existence.


Nowadays, the virtual world if has become very competitive, and for the commerce segment it could not be different. Its yield will depend on its visibility and power of mark, what it is to be able of mark? The mark power is what it generates confidence and credibility so that the customer buys without second thought in its virtual store, one of the characteristics of being able of mark is: Authenticity. More you believe you can have the accurate product that somebody is looking for, but if it does not obtain to find its site, she will not have conversion, and you she will be losing time and money. The electronic Commerce is gaining force and has grown very in Brazil, the same already put into motion billions of Reals per year, happily in Brazil still it has much fear to buy for the Internet and the possibilities to close conversions it is through Digital Marketing. Wait there! Happily? Clearly! Now it is to the alias process to have one its electronic commerce in the top! Daqui some few years will have hundreds of sites of commerce functioning or starting to function, different of other countries where all the store have electronic commerce, in Brazil still it will take a time so that this happens.

Thus being it is the perfect moment to be roots and to use to advantage this great chance! The SEOSim perfectly understands the necessities of its company to improve the visibility but also to not only obtain the mark power that its company deserves. We have excellent solutions and more than 8 years of experience in dealing with sites that are starting or already operate in the virtual world. Usufluimos of the perfect combination of SEO, Administro de Campanhas with Google Adwords and otimizao of Conversions. Our campaigns will bring more traffic of quality for its site, and will transform visits into conversions. The SEOSim this ready to manage its commerce electronic and we are certain that it will go to be surprised at the results that will be generated. It makes a proposal commercial to the side or binds for we and it requests a visit.

World Scientists

' Nor everything is perdido' ' Therefore it is, nor everything is lost in this country! The Brazilian people had a great joy when knowing what our Brazilian scientists had made in benefit of the health! How wonder! How men prepared to enaltecerem the growth of this country! How beauty if ours politicians had only one tenth of the brio of these scientists who work, search to improve the health of the people! This discovery is worthy of applauses and until prizes for the conquest, that, different of those, thinking about the others, as to improve, as to progress, bringing benefit, cure, specifically, to the creatures of this considerable population with skin cancer. Congratulations, men and dedicated women in the area of the research. Let us wait that our Minister of the Health does not leave to think about the donation of mounts of money enough to be able you to continue in this so sublime mission, of the research, in order to discover new formulas in benefit of the improvement of the quality of life of the Brazilian people, qui of the World, therefore ability does not lack to them. The Brazilian people deserves a discovery of these to minimize what he comes suffering with the disobediences politicians! However she is necessary that this team of work if keeps joined and with a firm intention to continue fighting, therefore very has what to search why the illnesses, in its majority have cure, but she is necessary to diminish with these discoveries the reason of as much and as many marks of enganosos remedies that make well to the liver and get worse the stomach and the laboratories if to expand day the day more, fulling the grana she-ass, without speaking in the competition! Only the scientists unprovided of fear, not to agree with the industry of the illness, will be capable to find with only one medicine, the cure of determined illness. The work is arduous, but with faith and vocs hope, scientists, they will continue being the azes of the victory and the conquest of the health, become this country, soon, a country of healthful and happy people. That he illuminates them to God with health to work in favor of the research to benefit the health of the people! Congratulations for the conquest!. Kai-Fu Lee wanted to know more.

The Employee

This degree of raised rightness, as much is verified in the individual level how much in groups and organizations, facilitating, thus, the prevention of destructive and dangerous behaviors, making possible a necessary and powerful performance so that it does not have a concretion of such predictions. This in such a way makes possible a preventive performance on the part of the professional who acts, as on the part of the employees, therefore in virtue of theoretical simplicity it allows the understanding of the proper and other people’s behavior, without the necessity of great expense of much time and money to consolidate a necessary diagnosis, demonstrating in this manner its effectiveness. Another aspect of much importance in at is the fact of its theory to be of easy assimilation, also for the laypeople. The contractual work, also comes to be of utmost importance, therefore, if deals with a bilateral agreement between the therapist and the customer, who has for purpose to reach the considered objectives. The objective of at is to take the employee to reach the Autonomy of Life. It is understood for being Independent, the individual that has the control of its proper life, accepted the responsibility of its proper feelings, thoughts and behaviors, beyond abdicating itself of inadequate standards to live in here and now.

Everything this can be gotten through the recovery of three capacities: conscience, espontaneidade and privacy. These three capacities are innate in the human being, however some times are limited due the estressantes or traumatic situations that we suffer in our infancy. The general objective of the work was to create a space where it instigated the participants collectively to argue subjects that could contribute for the interpersonal development of the same ones. Through since space one searchs to promote: self-knowledge; to develop the ability to receive and to give feedback; to create an atmosphere of confidence, acceptance and recognition for the humanizao of them and the others, to develop a reflexiva conscience and to stimulate the application of these contents inside and outside of the work.

Interactive Shop Windows

Activation by movement promotes a strong interaction with the visitors with the interactive shop window air touch window, entering new ways of display advertising. Touch screen was yesterday, Touchless is today, the motto of the interactive storefront air touch window. With this type of shop window advertising, it is possible to make digital and interactive content individually and personally. An infrared camera captures the movements of the user and transforms appropriately on the projection screen. Sufficient activation by the movement, the interactive shop window it does not need to be touched. Through this innovative, strong speech, the customer, intensively deals with the brand and combines an experience with her. In this way, the advertising message is not to the playful learned, but also actively absorbed and therefore significantly longer in the memory.

The customer-specific effects can be tailored to perfectly the advertising message or brand are no limits so the fantasy. Virtual Beverage or food tastings can be implemented as well as goal-oriented speech sounds and a variety of Visual effects. It’s the ideal also for virtual competitions among the customers that go along with a raffle. The content is of course an important success criterion, since the desired effect can be achieved only with the right content. Even after closing, you can retrieve information with the digital shop Windows. Wastage are kept as low as possible by the clear determination of target groups. For every advertisers success control is a very important issue, because also the transparency for providing added value to the customer depends.

The interactive shop window is one of the contacts by the infrared camera and can distinguish for example even the gender. Interactive floor projections help to get the interaction of the showcase in the shop. This can one accurately numerous effects and even games through the movement of visitors, and just like the interactive shop window Enable speech. The Cologne production agency LA CONCEPT offers the interactive shop window and the sister company NEWROOM MEDIA creates the desired content. Thus comes the complete solution from a single source. For more information, see /…