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The Criterion

These continue having a notable influence, even though decisive in the options and values adopted for the children. Generally, in regards to values and primordial purposes of the life, both the influences tend if to fortify and to complement reciprocal, at least when the friends they proceed from same classroom social group of the proper family. The contradictions between the values of the group and of the family costumam to affect superficial aspects of the form to dress, preferences and gostos, the general style of life, but not in such a way the decisive options and values. Generally, the adolescent observes more the criterion of the parents of what of the friends, in substances that if relate its future, but follows more of the friends in options on the gift, in the accomplishment of its desires and current necessities. Everything what was said previously contributes to reduce very in the spread out topic of that the conflict between the adolescent and its parents is little less of what it seems to be inevitable e, therefore, very frequent. truth that seems to be inevitable and obeys the necessity, over all of the adolescent, to inside redefine its position of the family.

But, certainly, the gravity and the frequency of this conflict had been exaggerated. In all in case that, a parental behavior of igualitria, democratic and/or liberal orientation contributes to prevent the conflicts more serious and to calm and to become cmodas the relations with the children of this age. The adolescence also is the moment where the individual consolidates its specific abilities in such a way, how much its ability or general capacity ahead of the world, the reality, entorno social, establishing its adaptation and adjustments, that not yet are definitive, but they are the ones that more last, during its life. In this age, the process of internalization of the cultural guidelines and value is consummated, perfecting itself it acquisition of abilities techniques, communicative e, in general, social.

Digital Inclusion

Third Sector and the Digital Inclusion in the Education * Vilmar Pedroso Controlling Guedes of Projects of the Intellectos Center of Research and Educational Development Mrcia de Borba Fields Associate Professor of the Pontifical University Catholic of the Rio Grande Do Sul Summary This article discourses on the performance of the third sector and its relevance for the communitarian services given to the devoid populations, aiming at to the reduction of the social and regional inaqualities. Its history dates of the half of century XVI with the participation of the Christian churches in which Brazil at the time kept a constitutional bond with the Church Catholic, being distinguished the developed social actions, mainly, in the areas of the health and the providence. But it was from 1960 that the third sector if made gift, represented for the not governmental organizations that had intensified its action of solidarity and the exercise of the citizenship. With advent of the Internet and the access the new technologies of information and communication, the third sector started to expand its action for diverse areas of the knowledge. In the sequncia, examples of initiatives are presented that come being developed with the intention to offer the people who live to the edge of the technology a different way of if communicating, to learn, to improve its businesses, practising the digital inclusion. To facilitate the digital insertion the use of great investments becomes necessary ally to the formation of partnerships to supply the lack of the State in the attendance of the necessities and social yearnings of the population. Word-Key Third Sector.

Digital inclusion. Computer science in the Education. School of Integral Education. Third Sector and the Digital Inclusion in Education Abstract – This article discusses the rolls of third sector and its relevance will be community service you needy populations, aimed at reducing social and regional inequalities.

Digital Illiteracy

Beyond the harmful consequences of exclusion in the life of the individuals, they also contribute to aggravate the conflict between peoples. The powers are richer and poor the poor countries are each time. The control on the technological advances is not accessible to the delayed countries more, deepening the differences and the disparidades. Although they have been more developed and disponibilizados medias, we witness an increasing isolation of the individuals, of form that the socialization alternatives have been, paradoxicalally, reduced. The exclusion of many groups in the society and the separation between social classes has contributed so that so divulged integration between different peoples if it does not accomplish, for the opposite, this has led to a process of atomizaton of the society. The value is breaks up in it, in way that the enrollment politician of the majority occurs of isolated form as, for example, the feminism, the ambientalista movement, movements against the ethical and sexual discrimination, etc. Everything this without if it perceives a conducting wire that can unify the isolated fights in a collective project of society.

Therefore, it is of our interest that let us understand the Globalization mainly, the Digital Globalization, so that let us observe both the proportionate faces for it: the exculpatory side and the inclusion. , By means of research thus proceeded from reflections, we look the attainment of data that allows in them to arrive at an only conclusion on the Globalization: would be it, really, global? (Gilson Pags Landmarks – Professor of Geography) BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES I LAND ON WATER, R.R. the Social Exclusion Today. Available in. Access in 24 of January of 2012. YOU PLOUGH, V. Digital Exclusion: what it is this? Available in.

Access in: 19 of January 2012. GALVAO. the Digital Illiteracy: And-Notice section of the site Astroroof of the Press, Edition 217, March 2003. Available in. Access in: 20 of January 2012. Neoliberal – economic doctrine that defends the absolute freedom of market and a restriction to the state intervention on the economy, only having this to occur in sectors essential and still thus in a minimum degree.