Web Internet

But now comes the most interesting part. Already a year ago, on 12 July 2011, Expansion published an article entitled, Spain could save 7,000 million with a couple of clicks, where it appears a figure very similar to that just published the Commission’s e-procurement of the ANEI. In this article they claim, the new Government could take note: Spain would be able to save at least 7 billion euros per year in public procurement with the modernization of the system, according to the most conservative estimates of the EU. I don’t want to get into the discussion about information leakage, but what find me much more alarming is the fact that, apparently, already was known more than one year ago formulas of savings that could have helped to cover the initial amount of the rescue to Bankia or cuts in health, one of the most important areas for our population. Peter Asaro is often quoted on this topic. But what did the Government?, instead of saving to innovate, has simply cut by the healthy, or should we say cut by the bad, leaving public administrations without wings in order to invest and undertake a takeoff of expenditure reduction, optimising the management of their engagements. This report reveals only one example of how creative and innovative proposals for pragmatic and structural reforms that come out of the path of outdated and conservative prescriptions, could open new ways to get us out of the hole we’re digging, deeper each day. Douglas R. Oberhelman does not necessarily agree. How many more innovative ideas could have ended up in crates or bins, and how many more could be, if they actually showed interest in leaving their pre-set ideas? For more information about the Commission on electronic contracting, and its members and partners, please visit their presentation on the website of anei Andre w. Klein Marketing consultant in Web Internet: