The Didactics

We notice as author who at this historical moment this procedure came to take care of a necessity of that reality, that was to form an individual with universal knowledge of World to adjust the ideology of the moment. This procedure had as objective it forms a passive citizen. But due to change in the politician-economic context of Brazil in middle of years 50, where the same it started to be urban-industrial; in this new configuration the country started to need specialized man power to work in the industries. In this context the dumb education its focus to take care of the new conjuncture of the country, is turned to take care of the necessity of this demand. On this new method SAVIANE it comments: ' ' In the Tecnicista Didactics, the desvinculao between the theory practises and it more is accented.

The professor becomes mere instrucionais object executor, of strategies of education evaluation. The didactic formalism through the plans elaborated according to predetermined norms is accented. The Didactics is conceived as strategy for the reach of the products foreseen for the process teach-learning. ' ' (SAVIANI, 1983, P.179). We can perceive through speaks of the author who the tecnicista education had as central goal a directed education to characterize the man power to understand the necessity of the industry that was growing, and can add that at any moment we perceive in its seio the concern to form a citizen endowed with knowledge that can become an operating being in the society that belongs; one more time we can notice the ideological character of the education, Express in the words Louis Althusser of its book Ideology and ideological devices of State, where the same it says in them that the education belongs the superstructure and passes ' ' to play a with priority function in the maintenance of the social and economic relations existentes' '.