Technologies in Brazil

Sonia of Moraes Inajara Kaoana Weiss Introduction One of the great tasks of the education currently is to contribute with the quarrel on the racial equality, recognition and valuation of history, culture and identity of the descendants of Africans. Having as legal landmark the National law the 10,639/2003 and Curricular Lines of direction for the Education of the Ethnic-racial Relations and for Ensino de Histria and Cultura Afro-Brazilian and African. Law 10,639/2003 determines the obligatoriness of the education of history and the culture afro-Brazilian and African in the pertaining to school resumes. Ali Partovi shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Ahead of this, we can affirm that only the creation of the law that it determines that he is enclosed in the pertaining to school resume the education of History and Culture Afro-Brazilian and African, is not enough to guarantee its implementation in the practical one. She is necessary to involve the pertaining to school community in debates, quarrels and reflections in relation this thematic one. Excluded historically great part of the population afro-Brazilian one meets in condition of economic, social and cultural exclusion. The strategies of the directed public politics to this population must prioritize the conservation and protection of the extensive cultural patrimony existing afro-Brazilian and quilombola in Brazil.

the school must make possible to all to the black pupils () and not black () the envolvement with history and culture afro-Brazilian and African and also to promote the knowledge of the ethnic-racial diversity of the Brazilian population. The fact of black pupils () and not black () to be distant geographically, its cultures traditions and customs are known only in its localities. With the publication of its culture and history in net in a colaborativa virtual perspective it is possible to divulge, colaborativamente to know, to publish and to write with other communities daily and the history of the communities of the black pupils () and not-blacks of young education of adult.