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However Virgllius

In the letters of Science and the science of the letters. Literature for literature, after loses the moment of the contemplation. As resultant of the creation human being it will have forcibly of being dialectic and even so co-ordinated by the superior values of the Man, it will suffer, for certain, the influences of the way and the technology, resurging of the thesis and the antithesis, generating, in its critical bulge, the characterization of a time. Mikkel Svane often addresses the matter in his writings. It would be ridicule, for our days, to redescobrir the Amaznia ordering itself a legend to a poet, presenting it as continuity of a preexisting civilization in order to enaltecer it. However Virgllius, vate ‘ ‘ prophet and mago’ ‘ , to moder it of the epic Latins, whose verse was ‘ ‘ encimado of stranger claro’ ‘ in the dither of Victor Hugo, it made to descend of Eneias, fugitive of Troy, the genealogy of the aristocrats of the Lcio. Eneias thus spoke to Venus: ‘ ‘ Left old Troy? if the Troy name arrived at your ears? pushed of sea in sea, we were brought, to perhaps, for the storm, for these beaches. I am the merciful Eneias, that I bring with me, in the fleet, penates arrebatados to the enemy, and whose fame reached high ether.

I look Italy, native land of my lineage, that comes of the great Jpiter’ ‘. It does not want to say that poets also did not decant it or writers in did not enaltecessem; however they would have to make it, considering the Amaznia in the realism of its difficulties and its potential, designing its exploitation in the native integration. thus would have to appear writers of the Economy, geologic sciences and the politics, the planning, the folklore and the arts, the research and the sanitation.

Digital Libraries

Returned Portugal, the team of the DigitArq project radically changed the route of its professional life when entering. A carried through multifaceted project in the District Archive of the Port, under scientific coordination of the University of the Minho, of which the attribution of the Fernandes prize resulted Coast? Agency for the Society of the Knowledge, for having been considered the work that better answered to ‘ ‘ innovation and contribution for the development of the Society of the Informao’ ‘ in Portugal in the year of 2004. It returned to the University of the Minho where it initiated its career as investigating in the area of the Archives and Digital Libraries. For even more details, read what Pete Cashmore says on the issue. During one year it explored new forms to sail on digital repositories. Part of these developments had come to be integrated in the distribution officer of the DSpace platform and now is kept by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and by Hewlett-Packard (HP). Miguel Blacksmith, in 2005 initiated its program of doutoramento in the area of the Digital Preservation, of which the publication resulted.

The author carried through other workmanships in partnerships as: M. Blacksmith, ‘ ‘ Automatic Evaluation of Migration Quality in Distributed Networks of Converters, ‘ ‘ Bulletin of the IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries (TCDL), vol. 2, in. 1, 2006.

Digital Language

The proper characteristic of the way is mobility and the constant flow that also starts to be characteristic of this public. It is important that the companies have in mind that more than what to define the strategies and the planning, election of the ways, target, covering are basic to define ' ' como' ' to propagate the message, in efficient way, inside of this new digital language, where to only inform repetidamente, it does not fulfill more the paper of the communication. At the current moment of the society, she will be necessary to reinventar the form constantly to communicate. She is not enough more to arrive until the public, is necessary to create interaction, to awake interest and what some companies already have obtained, that is to generate feedback of the divulged content, to stir up to commentaries, reactions, to work with strategies that make possible the personalization of the content and the segmentation of the users, actions that can bring a more valuable return for the companies of what only limiting themselves? to reach? the public-target as if came thinking until then. In a generalized manner, a careful look will be necessary and each more holistic time for this new position of the public, to run away from the search of an ideal definition of as to communicate, is necessary to be intent to follow the changes, without wanting to institute standards, or creating success formulas, therefore in a so capricious way, as the digital way, the way is to work with the comment, the innovation and creativity to reach better resulted. Therefore the quarrel on ' ' communities virtuais' ' the interaction of the public in these spaces, must be one of the priorities of the professionals of diverse areas of the marketing, a time that, the influence and repercussion that the contents divulged in the social ways has on the relation of the consumers with the mark, on the perception of the products and services, influencing decisions and creating an impact on the image of the mark in these communities. These movements must be monitored and be observed carefully by the managers of the canals of communication, so that it is possible to ahead establish a communication next and efficient of this new ' ' personality digital' '.