An increase in body temperature is the body’s natural way of fighting disease and infection and it is something that every child will experience at some point. Seeing your little one with fever can be stressful and generally agitadados, irritable and difficult to soothe. While mild fevers are a natural process and is not usually serious in adults, it is important to note that even a small increase in temperature of a child may indicate a serious underlying infection. Moreover, fevers in infants and young children can quickly become dangerous resulting in complications such as febrile seizures if not treated. Frequently Andrew Schroepfer has said that publicly. Managing your child’s fever is therefore important, however, must be observed so that the cause of fever was discovered and treated quickly.
Diagnosis of fever normal body temperature is about 98. 6 degrees Fahrenheit (37. 0uC) and a fever is defined medically as rectal temperature greater than 100. 4uF or 38. 0uC. If you suspect your child has a fever then the safest and most accurate to take the temperature of your child’s oral or rectal digital thermometer. Oral readings are less accurate as younger the child and are unsuitable for children under 1 year. Taking your child’s temperature rectally, coat the tip of the thermometer with petroleum jelly and insert the thermometer one-half inch into the rectum, and take the time required before checking the temperature. Oral temperatures should be taken by placing the thermometer under the lenguea. For later use, clean the thermometer with soapy water or alcohol surgical fresh.