Marriage – a ceremony which, in most cases occurs only once, very bright holiday in our lives. I decided to play Russian marriage as a huge event, especially in Chelyabinsk, and usually coincides with the celebration of the official record of marriage in the registry office. Registry office in Chelyabinsk in the days of celebrations are filled with noisy and cheerful people who spend the whole hog wedding. New cars, beautiful clothes, young girlfriend the bride, well-dressed men, peaceful relatives spouses – all weddings in Chelyabinsk. In the thick of things, of course, the happy newlyweds. We note the Russian marriage broadly, unusual traditions, such as theft of bride exchange rings, wedding, bride and the like. Wedding traditions – is a tribute to history, they often organize brothers and sisters, the bride, assisted by their witnesses for the young groom, the whole process is organized fun, with fun contests, and most importantly, to the registrar and to feast all the fun and come in a festive mood.
Then organize the celebration captures the toastmaster – the professional "entertainer" large-scale celebrations. About wedding created a very impressive amount of movies, Russian, for example, "Wedding in Malinovka" and Western, for example, "Bride Wars." Many brides and grooms want to mark a wedding, like in the movies – and fun in a big way. A good festival should be smartly decorated. Bright flowers and original compositions of these festive cloth, ribbons, banquet hall and an interior air balloons – these are the prerequisites celebration.