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Camaguey Teaching

So too, they have enriched questionnaires presenting innovative ways to access, using the Internet as a platform for distributed access to the questionnaire and World-Wide Web as its user interface. All this are a tool that can do more simple and affordable process of evaluation of such impacts, enriching the work of the educational agents involved in the learning of students. Then, from research results developed in Cuba and on the basis of a theoretical-practical systematic from a project developed in the province of Camaguey educativo3 possible preliminarily define indicators that in the opinion of the authors of this study would assess the transformations that must operate in the school. Indicators of educational impact dimension: psycho-pedagogical reliability: (concerning the psychological aspects associated with pedagogic and didactic aspects of computing). He is set as the main dimension of the study. Consider the following indicators or sub-factors in the elaboration of the different instruments: the level of thinking that is required of the learner: thinking manipulative (when the solution requires only operations with objects, spatial displacement.

With the mouse or virtual figures, it may be required responsiveness, visual distinction of objects or situations); empirical thought (applied situational or functional associations empirical concepts, leads the trial error); theoretical thinking (requires associations categorical, penetrate into the essence of these using abstractions and generalisations). The qualities of thought that says the child in the included tasks: independence (if aid levels encourage it), consecutividad, depth, breadth, flexibility, fluidity, speed. Conditioning of the imagination: space for the personal contribution, freedom of changes of shape, color, movement, etc. Affective conditioning: evaluated from affective States that causes the child and your correspondence with a desirable ethical conception, with the values that we defend. Includes: affective experiences that are raised, States of mind, volitional qualities that favors (decision, perseverance, determination, self-control), manifestations behavioural (hyperactivity, aggressiveness, shyness, etc.), appropriate values and self-assessment or not, interest that awakens or strengthens. Complementarity and balance with the teaching process: from which the child must transit of the teaching process regular work with the software and then to the first software must foster the motivation of the user by the teaching regular process, keep a balance between its components closed, sufficient in themselves, and the open, to give continuity to the interaction in the teaching process regulate. It is desirable to space for reading texts, drawing and calculation, both on the monitor, in books and notebooks. Motivational aspect: degree in which the use of computer products cause to student interest in its repeated use.

Whereas the following indicators or sub-factors: If the software stimulates their use and not exhausted quickly their possibilities and variants. The student makes an active participant in the learning process, through a varied format and an interaction that is helpful to maintain interest in a whole. If the software solves creatively, a set of tasks in order to contribute effectively to the solution of a given problem. If the software reveals the practical importance of the knowledge, it raises the teaching task as a challenge, guarantees an anticipation