
One year Sixt car hire blog with news, top offers, tips and trends in Enterprise Portal established valuable information for all users of Munich, November 27, 2009 all close to the customer: the blog of Sixt AG, Germany’s largest car rental company and worldwide provider of high quality mobility solutions, since a year and has become firmly established on the Internet. A number of users daily visit the blog at and gets different information on the topics of car and travel. Viacoms opinions are not widely known. In addition, readers regularly use the opportunity to express their wishes and opinions and thus further increasing the quality of the mobility services. It is thus a direct contact between customers and companies. The Sixt blog has evolved since its existence to a real news portal in the field of mobility: users receive not only news about Sixt and the car rental industry, but valuable tips for their travel, as well as for legal issues around to the Driving a car. Also, they have the opportunity to get car shows and City info, read entertaining articles of Sixt bloggers outside of Sixt’s business, to learn from the charity activities of the company, or to get information about the numerous partners of Sixt. Also contests with attractive prizes for all blog users are organized on a regular basis. In addition, get a quick overview of all top offers the reader, this can subscribe to an RSS feed or directly on your mobile phone or Smartphone like the iPhone send.

Sixt partners can integrate the top offers directly on their own website. The Blognews directly via Twitter are also available. Konstantin Sixt, head of Internet of Sixt AG: the Sixt blog is the voice of our company and enables important direct contact to our customers. We use consistently latest techniques to provide readers useful added value to the normal vehicle rental or leasing. The success proves us right, because in the meantime many readers of blog compared to other corporate blogs listed above-average.

About Sixt Sixt AG with headquarters in Pullach near Munich is a global provider of high quality mobility services. The 1912 founded company with about 4,000 service points in more than 100 countries is represented along with licensees and partners. Sixt is the market leader in Germany and Austria, and one of the largest independent full-service-leasing car rental. The Sixt Group generates revenues of 1.8 billion euros (2008) and employs more than 2,800 people (2008, without licensee). More information: Sixt AG Frank Elsner / Frank Paschen Sixt Central Press Office tel.: + 49 5404 91 92 0 fax: + 49 5404 91 92 29 E-mail: