Professional Digital Cameras

Everybody knows that to buy professional digital cameras (DSLR) and accessories he is much more cheap in the exterior of what in Brazil. This if not only must to the abusive taxes of importation as well as to the value that the manufacturers charge for its mark. This exactly, many cameras, exactly considering the importation tax, still are more in account if brought of the exterior. As good Brazilians, we finish in adaptando and the prprioslojistas had created a canal of safe importation to dribble the abusive costs. It only lacked to decide a question: how to obtain manuals in Portuguese? Thinking about taking care of our customers of importation we create in our site an especially dedicated section to manuals in Portuguese. We call and this Manual page in Portuguese for Cmeras Digitais Profissionais (DSLR) and you is our guest to visualize and/or to lower how many manual to need. Not cost nothing, does not need to register in cadastre itself and to annoy we do not go you with offers of products. If not yet we will have registered in cadastre the manual of its photographic machine is alone writing in them and requesting. It visits the page of contacts in our store and we will answer fastest possible.