Orihuela Students

Also points out that study exchanges of the reader with this type of text provides a more complete model of the reader which includes factors such as motivation, effectiveness and purpose besides cognitivos13 factors. Orihuela and Santos (2005) described his experience about the use of digital blogs (weblogs) thus: the publication online of class tasks is especially relevant in matters doomed to the study of Scripture and the design of navigation in Internet, disciplines in which it is basic to the students to develop skills associated with reading and writing through links 14. In another example, Garces Perez 15 shares the experience of using a software to support the phonological development of beginning readers. Hogue, Nellon, Patterson and Schulze, (2004) says: technology also serves as a motivation for students to be an interactive and lively platform 16. Current learners at any educational level become apathetic to the teaching process – learning, and more even if it is with teachers who imparts a traditional education, with those that are theoretical, they do still evaluations of memory in the end with those outdated reluctant to change. I believe that the boy must reach you, negotiate classes with them, i.e. that propose how you want to receive it. You have to put in the tale with them; teaching commitment is to develop students skills through language that serve to communicate both in social, occupational and family; situation I see very far reach if is continuous or if it takes no action on the lack of commitment of some teachers who do not pay attention right to the smooth running of a good educational process. It is not unknown for any teacher how difficult that is to sustain and maintain good relations with current students; they live in their own world, their own cultural Emo or Punk, but in the end are our responsibility and as such to start all these aspects must be respected and familiar way seek interactive spaces so that the boy or girl to reflect on the positive and negative influences that entails belong to those beliefs or customs that gives you society; Thus the confidence of the young or the young and little by little win is Iran taking ownership of the educational process that are brought.