As being resultant of its analysis, the proposal foucautiana is not the formularization of a new conception of being able, but an analytical one of the power, and is on the basis of the same one that it is allowed to clarify on power to the devices, also of the sexuality, Sees what Michel Foucault says: The idea of what it exists, in one determined place, or emanated of one determined point, something that is a power, me she seems established in a enganosa analysis and that, in all in case that, not of the account of a considerable number of phenomena. In the reality the power is a beam of relations more or less organized, more or less piramidializado, more or less co-ordinated. Therefore, the problem is not to constitute a theory of the power that would have for function to make what a Boulainvilliers or a Rousseau had wanted to make. (FOUCAULT, 1979, P. 248) the problematic one is not in the constitution of a theory of the power, as some philosophers had considered (Rousseau, Boulainvilliers, Hobbes), but is necessary that it characterizes the power as something who appeared in a specific place and one determined moment. In this way it deduces that the power is something opened, that it involves coordinate relations. Being thus, what if it can make is an analytical one of the relations of being able.
The BIOPODER AND the POWER TO DISCIPLINE the analysis of the power in Michel Foucault if find mainly in its books History of Sexuality I (Will of Saber/1976) and To watch and To punish (1987). Presenting the forms of the modern power, biopoder while regulation technology on ' ' populao' '. Modernity inaugurates a conception of being able, where if it has a direct bonding with the control on the life (perspective biological) of the individuals, power this whose legitimacy is not more the classic conception, where if believes the sovereign exercise of the power (absolute), but in the control or regulation of the life and this is the field of biopoder.