When buying, check humidity Electrical appliance. Ponyatie'100% drevesiny'-array means that all products made of natural wood create one, and not a single piece of s (trunk) tree. Only live, nesrublennoe tree can save the integrity and strength of the structure drevesiny.Vysushennaya, dehydrated wood changes its linear dimensions, and in different areas vary in size hildren differently, shrinkage around the circumference of the trunk is always larger than across volokon.K Unfortunately wood during drying is not always as malleable, as might be desired, and if updated by etih size than the allowable elastic deformation, the wood breaks (cracks). It is especially difficult to work with an array of tvekrdolistvennyh rocks, because IF defformatsiya mala.Osyudasleduet What if we want to imetobemnoe (large) product of 100% solid wood without cracks and without vnutrennihnapryazheny, we must stick together in relatively small pieces (blades). The finer the lamellae of which are glued solid wood, the safer parts of izdelie.Odnako become very melkihlameley simply colorful, that is suitable for nesuschmh parts, but bad for the stages and sizes stolbov.Optimalnye laneley, their cross-section and length depend on the specific design high reliability conditions.In order lamellae, spetsalno oriented, pick up within each izdeliya.Vysokoe quality skleevaemogo array not only provides for the selection of blades viduraspila and color, but the humidity drevesiny.Esli Connections slats in the product had significantly razlischayuschyuyu humidity, they are, respectively, give different strain after the final drying of the product pattern during ekspluatatsii.Ot etogo may suffer appearance already lacquered surface, obtained so nazyvaemye'stupenki 'between lanelyami. High-quality glue to rocks massivtverdyh Specials devices Wymah pressah.Kachestvo and gluing depends on the humidity of wood bonding, bonding temperature harvesting, temperature, quality of glue, compression force and holding time. Only by adhering to all etih technological environment provides a stable and good rezultat.Sovremenye glues give very good at breaking rezultat.Ispytaniya hardwood samples show that the strength of the adhesive layer is higher than the strength of the bonding strength drevesiny.Opyt shows that the adhesive layer is made from a stitch on (smooth fugu) or (miniship) not placed on the (show), which is sometimes at the ends kasaurov.Odnako time to glue a length of blades used technology (Hoffman), in which connections to use return part of cutting out plastmassy.Pri Kosourov hildren Plastic inserts are sometimes caught in the most conspicuous place lestnitsy.Ochen company soon abandoned this dock slats and returned to the traditional (minishipov).