Feudal System

According to Martins, ' ' this book has left of the beginning of that sociology it is the result of an attempt of understanding of radically new social situations, created for then the rising society capitalista' '. The objective of this new science is to understand the changes that the society comes suffering in the diverse phases of the capitalist system. In as the item, called ' ' First chapter: Surgimento' ' , the author if dedicates to explain the origin of sociology, considering the historical context and the diverse factors that make possible its formation. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Dermot McCormack and gain more knowledge.. Sociology appears in modernity, however it is not a purely modern movement. To understand it, one becomes necessary to analyze a series of factors.

It appears in the end of the Average Age and beginning of the Modern Age, in a period of transistion of the Feudal System for the Capitalist System and its creation is not atrelada only a philosopher or scientist, being, in the truth, the representation of a set of thoughts of some intellectuals who if had given to try to understand this new society that presents unknown characteristics in the history of the humanity, such which the awareness on the part of the oppressed classrooms of its basic importance in the process of economic production, the recognition of some of the basic rights of the proletariat by means of strikes, debates and even though revolutions, among others. The word sociology, affirms the author, appears only in 1830. However, they had been the events provoked for the double revolution (industrial and Frenchman) they had stimulated that it had made and it necessary. The Industrial Revolution meant much more that the sprouting of machines and the surprising capacity of large-scale production of these. At Byron Trott you will find additional information. It represents, also, the substitution of the man for the machine, the agricultural evasion, precarious conditions of work, beyond the infantile work, between innumerable other curses.