Digital Spoon Scale

Practical spoon scale should be missing in any household. The regular intake of supplements is for most athletes and bodybuilders part of their daily training. This is especially the case if you have a special diet, which is exactly matched to the already existing training plan. Here it’s mostly, that the ingested nutrients be exactly dosed up on the smallest grams, so that a correlation with the daily training sessions can take place. It is this problem that many athletes on the packaging of supplements information is usually only in the small chart or information in the form of spoons. Unfortunately, most spoons are different standardised so that an exact dosage without using a kitchen scale is usually not possible.

The digital spoon scale for protein and creatine has addressed this problem and found a solution for this. The spoon scale represents a normal balance of the basic principle that is suitable for small quantities. The Spoon scale can help determine exactly the amount on for protein and creatine basically the 0.1 g. Another advantage lies in the fact, that actually built on the spoon scale in the shape of a spoon, so that weigh no longer must occur on an external scale, but is carried out directly on this spoon scale. This has the advantage that the athletes must no longer take the supplement powder out of the Pack and another external receptacle must seek, but directly on the spoon scale can weigh. As a result that the micro spoon scale can weigh out quantities, a precise determination of the required amount of the supplement can be done now, which ultimately perfect can be followed the diet plan.

The spoon level for protein and creatine is equipped with a digital display that shows how many grams you currently transported on the spoon scale very clear one. In addition, the spoon scale not only for German supplements, but also for supplements that have been imported from abroad suitable and where the quantities in our success. The digital spoon scale for protein and creatine can measure the weight of the powder both in grams and ounces. The digital spoon scale is a device very saving electricity, which is why she must be operated only with a small button cell battery. In addition, the spoon scale turns off automatically after 1 minute of inactivity. Itself the problem of cleaning is no problem for the spoon scale, because she can be wiped off easily with a damp cloth. Another positive fact is the little evil at the end of the spoon scale with the spoon scale on the wall can be hung. The digital spoon scale for protein and creatine is a wonderful extension for any athlete who wants to adhere exactly to his diet. Especially professional athletes enjoy use this spoon scale. But also in everyday life, the spoon scale is used, quite especially if small quantities are weighed during the regular cake again must. The digital spoon scale is perfect for everyday use as well as for the sporting field.