Digital Proofs Of The Letter Shop For 1A-Druckergebnisse

Powerful simulation tools in direct marketing powerful simulation tools are already indispensable AIDS, if for example, newly developed cars before the start of regular production run through the test phase. So vulnerabilities can be timely discovered and corrected before it is later really expensive. Lettershops Act “be wise before the damage” also according to the motto, so they drive their expensive print jobs on the proverbial wall. The later production, i.e. the printing process, to simulate, hence lettershop pros use the computational implementation of systems and processes. Specifically said: avoiding mistakes during the printing process and ensuring a perfect printing result they offer a so-called digital proofing. This is a representation of print data on paper or paper-like material. The Digitalproof as Korrekturabgleich has the purpose to simulate the result of pressure to find any deviations at an early time and to eradicate.

Deviations such as E.g. colour differences are possible if special papers or other printable materials with different printing methods under a hat must be brought. So it is possible that colors in printing different played on the monitors of computers of the Agency, which delivers the print data, or where the letter shops, who processed this data. Problems can arise even when the essential interplay of print data for sheetfed offset and continuous printing why these data must be brought in line advance perfectly. With meticulousness and with the use of modern technical equipment prepress Lettershop staff provide for the creation of digital proofs. You have not only a safe look for every little detail, but also for the further production chain, which has yet to go through the mailing. In the plain text indicating that she further the rules of printing as well as the requirements for that in the interest of the proper final result mailing processing in the Strictly observe lettershop. The power of digital proofs is wide: prepress specialists can supply proofs where the quality of the respective paper type is taken into account.

And the orientation of the differentiated ICC color profiles (ICC stands for International Color Consortium) ensures 12647-2 according to ISO standard for safe color statements of the subsequent print result. These color profiles describe the color space reproducible for monitor and proof printing machine, by the way. Color adjustment color profiles by digital proofing provides clearly for whose flexibility advantage over analog systems. So, also special colours by means of digital proofing can be considered realistic advance. Solid color stability is Trump and a prerequisite for the subsequent color fidelity at the pressure – guaranteed by permanent color metric measurements as well as the calibration and profiling of the output device. And as “Icing on the cake” can even directly at the machine settings through a special proof to be optimized, which sometimes can be of decisive importance for the quality of the product! The concentrated competence of lettershop prepress is the client available, according to the selected paper and printing when it comes with the goal of perfect printing result, to create exactly the right profile for the simulation of pressure -. Use a professional lettershop digital proofs is the safest option print data most accurately to control, to interpret and adjust quality meet. Or in other words: only a perfect reference template provides the guarantee for effective workflow and perfect printing results of direct mailings, that inspire!