Digital Press Center

New website, expanded range of services in the digital media centre and new services in the field of online video and social media Munich, February 15, 2010 nexthop communications, Agency for professional communications consultancy in the technology sector, today its advanced, Digital Press Center presents. There you will find journalists a comprehensive image database, customer stories and press releases. The Agency also expanded its service portfolio services in the areas of online video and social media. The newly designed Media Centre provides journalists quickly and clearly exactly the customer information from nexthop, which they need for their daily work: electronic images in print quality including image caption, current press releases, direct contact to the company and the Agency, as well as numerous reference reports. Also the Agency demonstrating their newly built competence in the field of the video with a self-produced video of the Agency on its Web site.

“We see ourselves as a competent partner for the journalists as well as for our Customers. “That was also our guiding principle in the design and development of the new website: faster and easier access to all relevant information”, so Larissa by der Howen, Managing Director of nexthop communications. “With our new services we also take into account the current changes in the media landscape: we represent our existing and new customers since 2009 also in social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Xing and assist with the creation of online video now.” You will find the new site by nexthop communications, as well as the Agency video see: about nexthop communications nexthop communications provides communications advice for national and international technology companies. The full service agency to supports its customers with a wide range of communication measures, which prepares her flexible and target groups and tailors to the needs of our customers. The offer includes among others strategic communications consultancy, PR and media services, new media, event organization, text and Publishing services, monitoring and training. Nexthop’s team consists of highly experienced PR professionals and journalists. NextHop communications was founded in the year 2000, is active in the German-speaking and also worldwide together with partners supports their clients on request. Customers include among others Aagon consulting, BalBit IT security, Blue Coat Systems, extreme networks, financial informatics technology services (FI-TS), as well as Kerio technologies.