In the previous text I spoke of the sprouting of the categorized keyboards as Workstation. But to recapitulate: these keyboards summarized in an only equipment a Controller, who nothing more is of what the keyboard in itself (keyboard keys), a Generator of Sound, that nothing more is of what a module of internal sound, and a Sequenciador, that nothing more is of what a software capable to record, to organize, to manipulate and to save information MIDI that will be redirected to the generator of sound and door MIDI. Then, this is the concept of a work station and was exactly for having brought to the light this concept that the Workstation keyboards had given one of the most valuable contributions for the evolution of the musical technology. What we know today as DAW, Digital Audio Workstation, is the natural evolution of this concept. In the time where the Workstation keyboards had appeared, characteristics as the Polifonia (number of simultaneous voices), the capacity of storage of Events MIDI (given that they compose a sequencia), the number of tracks of the sequenciador and the presence or not of a unit of floppy (floppy disk 3.5' ') for external storage of data they were distinguishing we importantssimos and each one of these item encarecia, and very, the final value of the product. You see what it is the evolution of the technology: nowadays, a station of audio work of digital of simplest has a incrivelmente superior fire power the optimum one of the Workstation keyboards of those times. nobody is worried in such a way about polifonia, number of events for music, amount of tracks. How it will say with storage capacity! The truth is that the new generations of musicians have the luck of living in optimum of the times. Today it is possible to have a dedicated station of work to music with a infinity of tools of excellent quality for a relatively irrisrio price.