Constructing Tall Buildings

Application specific type of foundation for the construction of tall buildings requires a special calculation justification in view of features of interaction high-rise structures with a base set forth in Annex A. In turn, if choice of structural layout of the upper structure and method of load transfer on the foundation design should take into account the peculiarities of interaction with the base of the selected type of design. 3.4. Estimated rationale options for basements and underground part of the high-rise building, the definition of the basic parameters of the foundation design, a preliminary calculation of sediment and their uneven, bind to the local context, assessing the overall sustainability bases, etc. may be performed using not take into account the redistribution of loads nadfundamentnoy design engineering techniques outlined in snip 02/02/2001, mgsn 2.07, snip 02/02/2003, Instructions 21 sp 50-101 and sp 50-102. 3.5. Calculation system 'Nadfundamentnye design – the base – the base' should be done taking into account the sequence and construction technology building. On the other hand, the sequence of construction of various parts of the complex should be administered in such a way as to minimize adverse interaction of these parts through a compactor array.

3.6. In the calculations, bases, foundations and underground parts of tall buildings and structures should take into account the heterogeneity base in depth and in plan, as well as inelastic deformation of the soil and groundwater and materials structures in accordance with guidance snip 02/02/2001, sp 50-101, snip 02/03/2001. 3.7. At the design stage should be carried out comprehensive Calculations of the constructive scheme of the building, taking into account the rigidity nadfundamentnoy design and interaction design surface and underground parts of the high-rise buildings, basement and foundation.