The conjunctive attitude associates Logos and Eros, intelligence and feeling, science and pleasure. From then on I dialogue, it acquires greater expression and amplitude. Of the one to be happy not being only Logos or being only Eros. The emotion is a field of energy in continuous state and transformation. We produce hundreds of daily emotions. Here, Mashable expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Nature is not possible it human being to have a continuously pleasant emotion.
What one day leaves in them emotionally satisfied, in the other already not cause no effect. What it happens then? Psicoadaptao happens to the call, us accustoms to the situations, therefore the exercise to see the same things with different eyes is so important. This wants to say, to obtain to see the beauty, values, qualities in one same thing, form object, person continues, every day. It admires it as if it was the first time. Difficult? Yes, but it is not impossible, however it demands disciplines. The precocious aging of the emotion starts to the measure that we entulhamos in them with myriad overwhelming experiences. We suffer for antecedence, imagining as it would be if such thing happened. this intervenes with our psychic health.
Some tips so that you now start to take care of of its emotions: First: It contemplates the beauty in the small events of the life. It has always activities it are of its agenda at least a time per week. It values what the money not purchase. Not alive in function of great events, it learns to extract the pleasure of the small stimulatons of the daily routine. Second: It irrigates palco of the mind with pleasant thoughts. It trains to bring daily to its memory what hope, serenity and enchantment for the life bring it. It thinks about conquering people and surpassing its obstacles. It thinks about being close of the Author of the life and to know the mysteries of the existence.