Thus the civil construction, as already it was cited previously that he is one of the sectors that more the nature degrades, establishes a new system of construction of houses from the recycling of substances that can be used in the constructions (PAIVA 2007). The actions that has as objective the reutilizao of materials and/or products, so that it provides to a healthy cycle of life for the population human being and other beings livings creature with the reduction of the problems of deposition of residues or of emission of pollutants, these actions are considered activities of recycling. For Blacksmith (2003, p.6). The production of residues of the civil construction reflects a wastefulness of the materials of that if they constitute in the entulhos – main factor of the actual damages to the environment, for being, normally, played in strips of land, aterros limited and edges of rivers, causing damages to the environment. The cost of the impact for the company is represented by penalties as fine, compensations the third for damages causing areas degraded among others factors that are used to penalizar the companies for the lack of mechanisms of ambient protection. Therefore to become a recycling using residues of civil construction for production of houses, must – to select aggregate composites for hard, dense, steady and clean grains and they do not have to contain contents of nature and in amount that can damage the hidratao and the hardening of the cement.
The protection of the armor against the corrosion, durability or when, the external visual aspect of the concrete will be required (NUNES 2008). According to Nunes (2008 P. 2): The residues of construction and demolition (RCD) can be classified in four classrooms, in accordance with the possibilities of recycling (, the recycled ones as added; B you recycle in other chains as the plastics and C without technology of economically viable recycling) or danger of the residues (Classroom D). The Classroom It is composed for mineral materials as concrete, argamassas, bricks and ceramic roofing tiles, natural rocks, ground among others and represents the biggest fraction of the generated residues. The solid residues of construction, or simply rubbish, are remaining portions of materials derived from workmanships and destructions, being analyzed as one of the biggest problems faced for the Brazilian city halls. The clandestine rejeitos, reached frequently, result in abundant costs for the redistribution of this material, beyond the loss of the ambient attribute. It is also standed out here proliferation of illnesses, whose consequences if become a problem of public health (NUNES 2008). Currently the research comes searching the addition me