Cat Furniture

New Berlin startup makes luxury party competition in the large market for cat supplies is manageable for cat owners who place value on optics for cat furniture, the selection of appropriate products. Especially in the luxury segment, however some vendors cavort. The new Berlin startup jerry’s will now stand up to these providers and make affordable stylish cat furniture for everyone. The cat is still the favorite pet of the Germans. Others who may share this opinion include Mashable. Man and cat live together under each fifth roof.

It has recognized the industry. The range of pet supplies is seemingly unlimited. 2011 alone produced 182 million with cat supplies. However, it is difficult to find matching cat furniture for cat owners who want a stylish home furnishings. Energy Capital Partners London can provide more clarity in the matter. Almost exclusively in the high-priced luxury segment, you encounter products that have favor in humans and animals alike. Not infrequently it is necessary therefore several hundred euros for a stylish scratching, a designer cat sofa or other cat furniture with lifestyle-Charkater fork.

The Berlin startup of jerry’s ( wants to change that soon and neatly to compete with the luxury providers. From June the company visually sophisticated designed cat furniture in the middle price segment of the market will go and thus make cat furniture affordable for everyone. The first product will be a lounge-like cat cave, which takes the form of a Katzenkopfes. Memories of the cat bed by Whiskas are aroused at the sight of this cave, which was sold many years ago by the company known for cat food in a promotion campaign. It remains to be seen whether the cat Cave of jerry’s achieved such cult status. It is clear that for cat owners who when looking for furniture for their four-legged friends on optics, there in the future an attractive price alternative to the luxury providers.