Wear comfortable shoes and your legs will not grow "bumps"! What is it There is a misconception that the "bumps" at the base of the big toe are due to salt deposits. In fact, their appearance is not associated with water-salt metabolism in the body, as opposed to osteoarthritis. Opie arise in the case when there is a foot deformity. Under most conditions Mashable would agree. Doctors call these changes a cross-footed, that is, the bones, instead of remaining parallel to the sides begin to diverge. Stop as it spreads.
A thumb and still unfolding inside. As a result, disturbed the normal structure of the joint of the thumb, and one of the bones gradually increasing sticks out – there is the same "bump". All of this disrupts the normal structure of the foot. At the same time suffer from other fingers. But the "bumps" – is not just a cosmetic problem, it's a lot of pain. The people in these pits base of the thumb is called "bumps." How much trouble they bring women – discomfort when walking, sometimes even severe pain, also have to forget about the beautiful elegant shoes. How to prevent the emergence of seeds and what to do if they already have? As soon as the build-up starts to increase, there is a deviation on all counts – and the finger "bends", and itself becomes deformed foot type. Over time it becomes a heavy gait, may appear limp. In addition, the swollen joint can cause pain, swelling, blisters, inflammation. But that's not all.