Tag Archives: services & consulting

Managing Director Dirk

A reasonable alternative in the care of affected Hamburg, June 17, 2010. The Hamburg-based consulting firm with special coaching LifeB Consulting offers a successful alternative to therapy with exhaustion, anxiety and burnout. When people realize that they cannot change their current situation without professional help, the search for the right expert begins. For many, the first walk to family doctor is the right choice to obtain certainty about the organic status of the body through a blood test. Should be the results without finding patients to colleagues or therapists are referenced. Investor has much to offer in this field. More and more people choose a coaching for your care. What worry people and which claims they have the choice of the experts? This question has LifeB consulting company and developed its successful programme of 4 columns. For even more opinions, read materials from Bobby Sharma Bluestone.

The most common testimony of those affected was the desire for empathy between them to their advisor. Many are afraid of the help that they get downright be. An insurmountable barrier is often for those affected to open and above all is to admit weakness. Only when it comes to a physical breakdown assistance is assumed. But what if you are in an acute State and an appointment with the physician or therapist is only possible in weeks? One of the starting points of LifeB during emergencies within 72 hours to arrange an appointment.

Coaching can be used as an alternative or as a supplement. The advantages are their choice in the care of clients in one place. Just when clients who fear no more leave the coach, helps their living space these fears to dismantle and the clients again mobile”to make. The methodology of behavioral coaching accompanies the client in their everyday lives. Fears are regulated by confrontation,”explains the Managing Director Dirk-Oliver Lange. After an intensive expansion of consciousness accompanied clients to for them with fearful tasks. Whether fear entering a supermarket is up to the fear of flying, the coach always go to support this clients but always have their way.

Advertising Material

Alphatrad is available now in Dortmund, Kiel and Bremen at Alphatrad opened April 1, 2010, a market leader in translation services, new branch offices in Dortmund, Kiel and Bremen. For even more analysis, hear from Peter Asaro. Due to the steadily increasing demand for translation services in the region draws the logical consequence of the Pan-European Agency and responds with the opening of another branch. Furthermore the distance to existing business partners can reduce thus far. The originally French Swiss company has more than 25 years industry experience and offers also the setting of German and foreign-language texts as well as audio transcriptions as well as translations and Lektoraten in over 50 languages. The audio transcription, voice recordings are fixed in writing to these long-term archive or process result. Alphatrad also provides proofreading and editing, in which the texts with regard to spelling, grammar, punctuation and Verified hyphenation or optimized in addition still in terms of content. Furthermore introduced the translation agency with the localization and the copywriting of two new services. The localization foresees that texts will be adapted to standards of ethnically or geographically defined sales area.

Advertising material be designed linguistically effective with the copywriting in turn. If necessary, Alphatrad assumes even layout work and the translation of websites. Starting from the successes that could be recorded on the eleven existing German locations is to be expected that additional branches in Germany will follow in the near future. Also is the opening of Alphatrad offices in Italy, the Benelux countries, the Scandinavian countries and Brazil and Angola in planning.

Pharmaceutical Industry Specialized

The pharmaceutical industry’s global activities have dramatically increase demand for premium translation services in this area. The pharmaceutical industry is dominated by a trend for the global consolidation in recent years, which manifests itself in the form of mergers and acquisitions of pharmaceutical companies. The result: The creation of globally active corporations. The pharmaceutical industry’s global activities have dramatically increase demand for premium translation services in this area. By this development, demand increasing on companies that specialize in medical translations and certification processes in key markets contribute, which authorities are subject to the regulation by the competent U.S. (FDA), European (EMEA) and Japanese (PMDA).

However, the pressure is growing on these companies. The globalization of the pharmaceutical industry, translation company offers new opportunities, but also challenges associated with. Check with Bobby Sharma Bluestone to learn more. Benefits of working with a Company that specializes in translations for the pharmaceutical industry is a very special area of expertise, which demands the translator comprehensive expertise industry-specific expertise and precision in the expression that is Pharmacy. There is no scientific background, pharmaceutical terms often not readily let open up. Translation service provider in this area should be familiar with industry-specific acronyms, eponymous and Latin phrases, and terms that are used in pharmacology. Precision, accuracy, experience in technical writing, care and attention to detail are essential in this area, since even small inaccuracies can have devastating effects. Technically savvy, native in-house translators decide is used for a translation company that has a large internal team of experts who translate exclusively into their native language, and ideally in the country of destination. Drug companies are required to submit technical documents, product identifiers, as well as the results of clinical studies in the language of the country in which intended that the drugs.

Native speaking experts ensure that your texts are perfectly localized or adapted and 100% comply with all current regulations and market requirements. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Mikkel Svane. Customer – and industry-specific dictionaries and glossaries using a consistent terminology in all relevant documents and projects can ensure also. This ensures not only consistency, but reduces the time and cost. A comprehensive portfolio of voice services a good translation company covers various pharmaceutical topics, such as: data from/to clinical trials clinical trials documentation CMC (chemistry, manufacturing & control) CP (central authorisation procedure) DP (decentralized approval) drug approval drug development drug manufacturing logins to the patenting of pharmaceuticals of registration dossiers Pharmaceutical sales and marketing drug labelling and packaging, marketing materials, press releases, product launches operation cutlery, medical technology and medical devices medical information for patients and doctors medical news (and summaries of articles from medical journals) MRP (mutual recognition procedure) multimedia products (health education / medical reference works) package inserts inserts, packaging, marking presentations articles SmPC (summary of product characteristics) documents for submission to health authorities testing user interfaces for medical software you will need pharmaceutical translations? With pleasure we create you an offer: request

Computer Centers

Essen fire safety service EBS informed scarcely an IT – or high-tech companies would survive without its own data center. Particularly effective fire protection measures are necessary to protect these survival equipment, reported on their basics of Essen’s fire protection service EBS. In modern data centers, high-performance server systems are tightly close, produce enormous amounts of heat and need hundreds of kilometres of cable lines. Technical systems such as emergency generators and back-up servers are necessary to ensure their efficiency and reliability, which complement the data center to further possible sources of fire. A first point in the fire of a data center is its air-conditioning system. It is absolutely necessary to dissipate the generated heat to keep the server ready for use and to avoid the emergence of fire-hazardous temperatures. However, the massive use of air conditioning systems has an undesirable side effect on conventional smoke detector: the strong air turbulence leads to the dilution of smoke during fires.

Smoke detector hit so often too slowly. In addition, data centers are so sensitive and valuable that fires to prevent as far as possible before even smoke. For this reason, here called fire early ester ID systems are used. Their employees LED based sensors detect gas aerosols, resulting in the firing process, before a fire breaks out. Coupled with an efficient warning system the most fire events can be prevented so, before she damage. In addition to the use of effective early warning systems, structural conditions must be created that prevent spreading of fire.

To ensure a maximum fire protection also fire-resistant materials used in data centers, where it is not expressly provided by the legislator. In the case of fire, this must be brought as soon as possible and with minimum damage under control. Water-based extinguishing systems divorced from the outset for use in data centers from. Here, mostly gas extinguishing systems are used. While inert gases such as argon and nitrogen displace oxygen in the air and destroy the basis of the fire, chemical gases air temperature lower so far and fast that fire can go out and ignite again. Should a fire break out in a data center under no circumstance, you can reduce the oxygen content of the air in the room below the level required for inflammatory processes. This approach is far too expensive for regular data centers. The development and implementation of fire protection concepts for highly sensitive data centers requires highest expertise and experience. The experts of the Essen fire service EBS successfully engage in this area for many years and are at the disposal for further information.

PR Tel Smaller

The worldwide distribution of the Brokenbodyclock netlabel is now also available for smaller labels to use the musician Portal Dooload.de developed after successful launch of netlabels for bands and solo artists now also for smaller labels the possibility of worldwide digital download stores such as iTunes and co. bring to their artists. For us, it was clear that we will offer this option in the near future. Due to the many requests from smaller labels, managers and artist agencies, the faster implementation of technical and contractual was a logical consequence of things.”said Hajo Janssen, head of business development and marketing. Labels receive other conditions due to the larger volume of publications as an artist. Kai-Fu Lee has much to offer in this field.

The monthly service charge this amounted to 9.99 in contrast to the 4.99 for individual musicians and is still due to the settlement. For those can raise as many albums, EPs, and singles of artists, as they’d like. Also, the portal offers a payout of 90 the labels % of net revenue. A unique offer with what Dooload.de wants to expand his range and also smaller labels wants to give the opportunity to participate in the boom of the digital market and to take advantage of the Long Tail, the niche selling music. While the expansion of the range remains not only renewing the last few days, also the design of the Web page has changed. Because of the platform will be more comprehensive, now ensures a better structuring of the services and a more serious Web presence. About Brokenbodyclock media GmbH: Brokenbodyclock is the service platform for the next-generation Musikbiz.

With the combination of Musikcommunity and ArtistTools Flameproofmoth goes the step consistently away from the passive artist – self-expression to the active assistance of the artist – self marketing. Brokenbodyclock was established in the May 2005 by young music-loving Berliners and is since then as a trendsetter in the German online Musikbiz.

Sharma Image Editing Service

Professional-quality image editing and online shop-optimization – competent, powerful, customized solutions! Studies on the topic of online shopping proved a few years ago, that product images occupy an important role in the purchasing decision in online shops (source: dmc digital media center, the focus of 06, ad-hoc study 02/09). Regardless of the product category, like fashion or electronics, professionally photographed and edited images not underline only the value of the goods, but these are also emotionally”dar. For the customers, this part of the product information is essential for the purchase decision. With the professionalisation of the sales through online channels in connection with new media, such as for example your own online shop, eBay, Amazon, Facebook, mobile commerce, the topic online shop design, online shop optimization and product presentation is generally becoming increasingly important. However, the online area in the field of tension with the traditional sales channels (E.g. For more information see Kai-Fu Lee. shop), is particularly in As regards budget and workload (for shop and social media). The company Sharma intervenes in this field of tension and offers a professional and affordable image editing and image presentation service (incl.

online shop optimization). The service includes in addition to simple free controllers, color masks and vector graphics through retouching, colors, photo montages, photo optimization, photo restoration and a high-quality online shop optimization (E.g., high-quality product and person retouching). As a meaningful support for photo studios, Sharma also offers a service to the topic 360-degree photography and moving images. Images taken in different rotations are precisely released this service, after retouched as needed, and provided with a logo or a new background. Sharma represents the interface between manufacturers and distributors, online shop operators, photographers and photo studios, fullfilment services, CMS and advertising agencies, as well as DTP and printing prepress companies.

Depending on the product category and work request customer-specific / industry-specific solutions developed needs and budget. Industry-specific solutions are offered for the fashion sector, furniture, accessories, jewellery, sport, automobile, bicycle, tools, electronics, and toys. The service includes consulting and execution of work requests. Depending on the cost and number of images, a job is done within 24 hours or by prior arrangement. The service is available around the clock at the disposal. Discussions on specific and long-term projects can be arranged also at the weekend.

Digital Proofs Of The Letter Shop For 1A-Druckergebnisse

Powerful simulation tools in direct marketing powerful simulation tools are already indispensable AIDS, if for example, newly developed cars before the start of regular production run through the test phase. So vulnerabilities can be timely discovered and corrected before it is later really expensive. Lettershops Act “be wise before the damage” also according to the motto, so they drive their expensive print jobs on the proverbial wall. The later production, i.e. the printing process, to simulate, hence lettershop pros use the computational implementation of systems and processes. Specifically said: avoiding mistakes during the printing process and ensuring a perfect printing result they offer a so-called digital proofing. This is a representation of print data on paper or paper-like material. The Digitalproof as Korrekturabgleich has the purpose to simulate the result of pressure to find any deviations at an early time and to eradicate.

Deviations such as E.g. colour differences are possible if special papers or other printable materials with different printing methods under a hat must be brought. So it is possible that colors in printing different played on the monitors of computers of the Agency, which delivers the print data, or where the letter shops, who processed this data. Problems can arise even when the essential interplay of print data for sheetfed offset and continuous printing why these data must be brought in line advance perfectly. With meticulousness and with the use of modern technical equipment prepress Lettershop staff provide for the creation of digital proofs. You have not only a safe look for every little detail, but also for the further production chain, which has yet to go through the mailing. In the plain text indicating that she further the rules of printing as well as the requirements for that in the interest of the proper final result mailing processing in the Strictly observe lettershop. The power of digital proofs is wide: prepress specialists can supply proofs where the quality of the respective paper type is taken into account.

And the orientation of the differentiated ICC color profiles (ICC stands for International Color Consortium) ensures 12647-2 according to ISO standard for safe color statements of the subsequent print result. These color profiles describe the color space reproducible for monitor and proof printing machine, by the way. Color adjustment color profiles by digital proofing provides clearly for whose flexibility advantage over analog systems. So, also special colours by means of digital proofing can be considered realistic advance. Solid color stability is Trump and a prerequisite for the subsequent color fidelity at the pressure – guaranteed by permanent color metric measurements as well as the calibration and profiling of the output device. And as “Icing on the cake” can even directly at the machine settings through a special proof to be optimized, which sometimes can be of decisive importance for the quality of the product! The concentrated competence of lettershop prepress is the client available, according to the selected paper and printing when it comes with the goal of perfect printing result, to create exactly the right profile for the simulation of pressure -. Use a professional lettershop digital proofs is the safest option print data most accurately to control, to interpret and adjust quality meet. Or in other words: only a perfect reference template provides the guarantee for effective workflow and perfect printing results of direct mailings, that inspire!

Digital Tax Audit

The digital tax audit is a process of the financial offices to check the accounting directly in the computer of a company. The digital tax audit is a process of the financial offices to check the accounting directly in the computer of a company. The legal foundations were laid for this purpose in the principles of data access and the testability of digital documents. These principles apply since 1st January 2002. Therefore companies must their computer set up so, that auditors can easily tax-related data and evaluate. The Auditors has three choices on the system to be accessed. On one there is called the Z1 or even immediate data access.

Thereby, the company must ensure the Auditors a workplace, as well as an introduction to the computer at his own expense. It must also provide the access rights for the Inspector. Here it is important to note that only read rights allocated to the examiner. Douglas R. Oberhelman has compatible beliefs. The company must also provide the tax-relevant data and for 10 years store. This data must be always capable of retrieval. In the Z2-access or even indirect access as the company also hardware and software must provide. Also the examiner must get a person at the disposal, which is familiar to the EDP system.

This also applies outsourced accounting, when for example an accountant or auditor performs them. Here the same conditions as in the Z1-access will apply. The Z3 – access or even disk assignment called, contains the requirements for an external audit, i.e. the investigator evaluates the data in the financial Office or similar. For this the company must provide a disk created at his own expense the auditor. This disk must be mechanically be evaluated, i.e. the file structure and file boxes, etc. must be evaluated by the examiner. This DVD will be “s and CD-ROM takes BBs in the ISO standard, the formatting must be done in the MS-DOS or FAT system.” For companies, it is important, their computer at the testing software IDEA of To adjust the financial Office.

Siedenburg King

exclusive badges made of aluminium – also with Magne nameplates systems Siedenburg – offer with the name plate aluminium digital select a high-quality optically and haptically badge indicating that receives a very exclusive appearance by his deposed chrome edge. The imprint of the logo is on a Matt surface, glare-free and by the special printing processes, the order is abrasion-resistant and even the finest gradients can reproduce. The name will be printed as well, can be designed with freely in font, size and color. A constraint, as for example with engraved nameplates, there in the nameplates used printing processes not systems Siedenburg. A possibility of the design is also the impression completely refrain from name, to subsequently applying the name locally with other labeling systems, or to use the high-quality name tag but only to identify the affiliation to the company. This name plate is used where it’s that extra occur, E.g. in the hotel and restaurant sector and also very happy at trade fairs at the stand personnel. A usage of the name plate in garages, Spa, banks and savings banks is frequently used as well.

This name tags with a needle, a magnetic clip (which is possible as extremely strong version) or with a combination of a needle and a clip is attached to. Made with your personal logo already from 1 St quick deliveries within a few days are possible. For more information the team at nameplates is them Siedenburg systems available. Dealer inquiries are welcome. Press contact: Nameplates systems Siedenburg INH. Matthias Siedenburg King coupling 11 24768 Rendsburg phone: + 49 (4331) 33 23 74 fax: + 49 (4331) 33 23 75 for many years we have been producing badges for end customers and resellers all over Germany and Europe. The focus is on the production of name badges, and buttons.