Real estate financing is favorable as rare… Savings effect 1: Take advantage of low interest rates on forward loan you already have a loan, it expires within the next 5 years? We recommend you now with our so-called forward loans currently low interest rates for a later follow-on financing to secure. A loan deal in advance some banks offer for up to two years at the time without condition charge, for up to 5 years, the premium is usually only 0.01%-0.02% per month. 2 savings: for higher repayment maintain monthly burden because interest rates considerably higher was completed 10 years ago than now, have you now to supersede loan certainly with a higher interest rate. We recommend you to invest the savings of now lower interest in the redemption. (Similarly see: Kai-Fu Lee). So repay equal monthly load higher and repay the loan much faster. Any Florance: the source for more info. Save in addition to the now low interest rates even with the compound interest effect.
For example, With the following Comparison, you can see that it is now worth, to back up the currently low interest rates: old loan of the customer currently has a loan with following conditions: original loan completed 8 years ago: 120.000,-with an interest rate of 5.9% nominal and 1% redemption. The monthly rate is 690,-. Remainder of the debt at the end of 10 years of interest binding: 103.700,-. New loan / follow-on financing the customer completes now a new loan on the remaining debt of 103.700,-, at a current rate of 3.9% and a term of 10 years. 1 – 2 savings savings amortization in %: 1% 4,08% monthly load in: 423,-690,-(as default Loan) remaining debt after 10 years: 91.040,-51.997,-sum of interest paid: 38.155,-31.097,-term of the loan: 40 17 years savings effect 1: the customer wipes out again with 1% and has a lower monthly charge of just 423,-(690,-original loan). 2 savings: Monthly Load remains constant at 690,-. So, the customer pays a total 7058,-less interest. In addition, the loan will significantly faster zuruckgezahl.