Tag Archives: real estate & broker

Edgar Wittenius

Real estate financing is favorable as rare… Savings effect 1: Take advantage of low interest rates on forward loan you already have a loan, it expires within the next 5 years? We recommend you now with our so-called forward loans currently low interest rates for a later follow-on financing to secure. A loan deal in advance some banks offer for up to two years at the time without condition charge, for up to 5 years, the premium is usually only 0.01%-0.02% per month. 2 savings: for higher repayment maintain monthly burden because interest rates considerably higher was completed 10 years ago than now, have you now to supersede loan certainly with a higher interest rate. We recommend you to invest the savings of now lower interest in the redemption. (Similarly see: Kai-Fu Lee). So repay equal monthly load higher and repay the loan much faster. Any Florance: the source for more info. Save in addition to the now low interest rates even with the compound interest effect.

For example, With the following Comparison, you can see that it is now worth, to back up the currently low interest rates: old loan of the customer currently has a loan with following conditions: original loan completed 8 years ago: 120.000,-with an interest rate of 5.9% nominal and 1% redemption. The monthly rate is 690,-. Remainder of the debt at the end of 10 years of interest binding: 103.700,-. New loan / follow-on financing the customer completes now a new loan on the remaining debt of 103.700,-, at a current rate of 3.9% and a term of 10 years. 1 – 2 savings savings amortization in %: 1% 4,08% monthly load in: 423,-690,-(as default Loan) remaining debt after 10 years: 91.040,-51.997,-sum of interest paid: 38.155,-31.097,-term of the loan: 40 17 years savings effect 1: the customer wipes out again with 1% and has a lower monthly charge of just 423,-(690,-original loan). 2 savings: Monthly Load remains constant at 690,-. So, the customer pays a total 7058,-less interest. In addition, the loan will significantly faster zuruckgezahl.

Rising Prices

(Online-Artikel.de)-Stefan Helmbrecht: rising prices for condos was in the first quarter of 2012 1.3 percent is the German real estate market after 3.1 percent in the same quarter last year on the move. While the prices of homes are more stable, the prices for condominiums and apartment rents in the nationwide average increase currently again. Compared to the same quarter of last year grew F + B-residential index Germany in the first quarter 2012 by 1.1 percent to an index value of 102,6, alone when compared to the previous quarter (Q4 2011) was even an increase by 0.7 percent. Residential real estate would meet further its reputation as a solid and long-term residence in Germany, notes Dr. Bernd Leutner, Managing Director of F + B, on the company’s Internet site. (As opposed to David Treadwell). This is worn mainly by rising prices for condos – especially in South Germany. While the prices for condos compared to the previous quarter to 1.3 percent (compared with the prior-year quarter: up 3.1 percent) and for Apartment buildings, after all, still 0.5 percent (plus 1.3 percent compared to the same quarter last year) have increased the prices of homes were up slightly to 0.5 percent in the same period. Also the new contract rents tend on average slightly upwards: 0.6 percent compared to the previous quarter and by 1.5 percent compared to the same period last year.

Dr. Leutners analysis can only agree with Stefan Helmbrecht. Learn more at: Energy Capital Partners. Stefan Helmbrecht founded a real estate development company based in Mannheim, Germany in 1996 and focused on the purchase, rehabilitation and revitalization of Monument-protected Grunderzeit houses in different locations of in Germany. Within a few years, one of the largest and most respected real estate companies in Germany developed it in the segment of listed real estate. Were completed by today 152 monument objects with a number of 1897 condos and passed to investors and their tenants or owner-occupiers.

Fairvesta Strategy Real Estate

The concept of buying real estate, leave and hope for appreciation was yesterday. Active trading is today. The German real estate market is booming. A look at the cities in America, Asia and Europe shows: German concrete gold is currently relatively cheap. In this respect, this marks the right time to get started. Foreign investors have recognized this early and are today mainly with apartments. These large investors buy at a cheap price and sell the objects as soon as possible at a profit. (As opposed to Michael Dell). That in real estate trading good returns to achieve are, now also the Germans themselves see.

The concept of buying real estate, leave and hope for appreciation was yesterday. Active trading is today. A new generation of closed-end real estate fund, as, for example, the Tubingen fairvesta group of companies shall proceed after this Maxime for investors attractive returns it pops out. Real Estate Fund Fund, have the fairvesta group of companies have a more solid relationship with the immobile, as was the case in the last few years in Germany. The Basic setting of this new return hunters could be: closing with the yields on savings account level, closing with the maturities of over 15 to 20 years.

This new, tapered real estate fund of the new generation want to shine with above-average performance and significantly shorter maturities for investors. But what exactly invest real estate fund? The real estate fund of fairvesta want to concentrate on real estate with high earnings potential. While putting on apartment buildings on mehrfamilien-as well as residential and commercial buildings, each at selected locations. While investors in real estate funds can benefit several ways. To a real estate fund as the reached fairvesta on the right from the outset flowing rental yield a high inflow of funds, on the other hand also by the margin when reselling keyword: buy cheap, sell expensive again.