Tag Archives: personal development

Almeida Administrator

E is a personal pleasure, to be able to comment, that the category that more grew in accesses in the workstations and in residences in the month of February of 2010 according to IBOPE were of ' ' Educao and Carreiras' ' , this by itself already is reason for commemorations. The simple fact of the participant pupil to be heard, demonstrating to it to attention and concern with its educational and social future, could be evidenced a considerable improvement in the communication between pupil professor, a more pleasant and healthful convivncia between the proper pupils, and this automatically increased auto-esteem, before exactly to be definite the corrective and preventive actions to be applied. Valley to stand out that some focos of resistance had also existed, but in small I number, therefore the positivismo and comprometimento of the excessively involved ones had been soon infected by. The participants had been able to prove that with technological and computational resources the use of the information can be created and be manipulated, and to show as, the society where we live if she comes across with the happened transformations of the advance of the technologies of information and communication. All we, wanting or not, are part of this technological society, and the beddings for this new industrial and technological politics are: the innovation and active participation in the globalization process. The Digital Inclusion can be considered as a facilitador process in the development and aid of the promotion of the education, social insertion and development of local economies. Considering the percentage gotten for the interview with the pupils that has access to the Technologies of Information and Communication, we see that the great majority does not make a rational and beneficial use of that the disposal is placed them. In this way, one becomes necessary to create strategies that propitiate the access of more interesting and pleasant form, that is, to enclose and to promote the qualification in accordance with the necessities of the individual for the use of these technologies.

As one of the strategies that can come to contribute of significant form for the amenizao of this picture, it is identified education as the main element in the formation of a society based on the information, the knowledge and the learning. The access to the technologies of the information and communication is related with the basic rights of freedom and expression. It is for this reason that if becomes necessary that the intelligent access to this new was educational if they become contribuitivas tools social, economic, cultural and intellectual the development. It means that the individual has the capacity to discern as and when to use it. Wilson Giuli de Almeida Administrator

Neil Armstrong

A330 models of the Air Bus use digital technology and can operate virtually without interference of the pilots. In 1998, Pierre Baud, then vice? president of the Airbus affirmed that ' ' Specific training for airplanes protected for the system is not necessrio' '. Peter Asaro has plenty of information regarding this issue. The justification for the adoption of the system is the considerable reduction in the time and the cost of training of the pilots and crew. For Grad Arnoux, commander of the Airbus left if very little time the airplane in the hand of the pilots, because the aircraft if autoprotege, and the orders of the pilot are filtered. Each time that the greed and the vanity substitute the fear consequently and overlaps on the wisdom, each time will be victims of the probabilities of imperfections of the destination.

To believe the theory that the man is descending of the monkey, but with a little of neurons more, and can simply be substituido by robots will be its ruin in the age of the androids. After all the small distortion in the DNA of the man in relation to the one of the monkey is not very great! The pipe of Pitot is used for measurement of speeds mainly in draining of gases as, for example, in aviation. The functioning of the sensor of Pitot is well simple: Through the reading of the height of fluid column in the pipe of Pitot above of the free surface the speed of the draining in a height z can be gotten. Had to the climatic conditions, I could not be possible this measurement making to shuffle the mind of the machine, and as the inteferncia of the man did not happen the tragedy occurred in 4min23s! a 2001 odyssey in the space Synopsis: Kubrick if advanced in the time when, to the side of Arthur C. Clarke, it wrote the 2001 script: An Odyssey in the Space. Not only for having more than visualized the arrival of the man to the Moon one year before Neil Armstrong arriving until there, but also for having carried through the first one it has filmed to raise it the hypothesis of artificial intelligence. Computer HAL-9000, beyond finishing if transforming into the main personage and one them bigger villains it cinema, possua a great interaction with its operator.

When perceiving that it went to be off ' ' morrer' ' HALL decidui if to defend. The film traces the trajectory of the man since, approximately, four million years before Christ, until the year of 2001, always approaching the evolution of the species, the influence of the technology in this growth and the perigos of artificial intelligence. The end, one of most emblematic of the history of the cinema, shows to astronauts stopping a mortal fight against the computer – the modern version of the confrontation between creator and creature, that already inspires classics as Frankenstein. I do not make responsible the technology for the evil, as I do not make responsible Albert Einstein for the discovery of the atomic bomb but yes, who to the evil used.

Neil Armstrong

A330 models of the Air Bus use digital technology and can operate virtually without interference of the pilots. In 1998, Pierre Baud, then vice? president of the Airbus affirmed that ' ' Specific training for airplanes protected for the system is not necessrio' '. The justification for the adoption of the system is the considerable reduction in the time and the cost of training of the pilots and crew. For Grad Arnoux, commander of the Airbus left if very little time the airplane in the hand of the pilots, because the aircraft if autoprotege, and the orders of the pilot are filtered. More information is housed here: Ali Partovi. Each time that the greed and the vanity substitute the fear consequently and overlaps on the wisdom, each time will be victims of the probabilities of imperfections of the destination.

To believe the theory that the man is descending of the monkey, but with a little of neurons more, and can simply be substituido by robots will be its ruin in the age of the androids. After all the small distortion in the DNA of the man in relation to the one of the monkey is not very great! The pipe of Pitot is used for measurement of speeds mainly in draining of gases as, for example, in aviation. The functioning of the sensor of Pitot is well simple: Through the reading of the height of fluid column in the pipe of Pitot above of the free surface the speed of the draining in a height z can be gotten. Had to the climatic conditions, I could not be possible this measurement making to shuffle the mind of the machine, and as the inteferncia of the man did not happen the tragedy occurred in 4min23s! a 2001 odyssey in the space Synopsis: Kubrick if advanced in the time when, to the side of Arthur C. Clarke, it wrote the 2001 script: An Odyssey in the Space. Not only for having more than visualized the arrival of the man to the Moon one year before Neil Armstrong arriving until there, but also for having carried through the first one it has filmed to raise it the hypothesis of artificial intelligence. Computer HAL-9000, beyond finishing if transforming into the main personage and one them bigger villains it cinema, possua a great interaction with its operator.

When perceiving that it went to be off ' ' morrer' ' HALL decidui if to defend. The film traces the trajectory of the man since, approximately, four million years before Christ, until the year of 2001, always approaching the evolution of the species, the influence of the technology in this growth and the perigos of artificial intelligence. The end, one of most emblematic of the history of the cinema, shows to astronauts stopping a mortal fight against the computer – the modern version of the confrontation between creator and creature, that already inspires classics as Frankenstein. I do not make responsible the technology for the evil, as I do not make responsible Albert Einstein for the discovery of the atomic bomb but yes, who to the evil used.