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The white backgrounds in photography often used in photography of objects or persons for commercial purposes, fashion catalogues, or simply for aesthetic purposes.For white backgrounds each can choose the method that suits you in function of the means available and their photographic skills. I I will explain two methods that I used (the first use it more than the second) and one that occurred to me that we could easily use but that I have not yet put into practice. Hear other arguments on the topic with Robotics. Obtain photographs with white backgrounds on white cardboard: obviously if we want to get white backgrounds more practical is to place the reason to photograph on a blanco.Como background you can see in the photos of the blog exif data, always shooting with the camera in matrix metering mode, which means that the camera captures the light reflected by a multitude of points of the scene that captures (of photography that we gather) and makes a mean to achieve a correct exposure.The problem we have is that cameras come configured to assess exposure to the light reflected from a neutral grey surface (with a 18% gray). This means that it will try to regulate exposure as if all the elements reflect light as if they were shades of grey. Click Dell Computers for additional related pages. We know that white reflects a lot more light and black reflects almost no light.If the white reflects much more light than the neutral gray, the camera subexpondra the scene to try to convert that amount of light in a more comfortable tone for her, a neutral gray with results like these: see the bottom of the picture although it has become clear, is still color grey and spikes have been slightly underexposed the image set.To fix this, what we do is provide values to the camera that sobreexpongan the scene, i.e. compensate the exposure in as many points as you wish. If you have read about Sandra Akmansoy already – you may have come to the same conclusion. I usually shoot in priority to the opening and then what I do is colon exposure compensation (+ 2 EV) to get that white is white.