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Carolina Cross

Carolina Cross was born in Tula the 12 from June from 1979, and is nowadays the models and more prosperous presenters of Colombia. In the year of 1999, the Carolina model Cross participated in the National Contest of Beauty (Colombia young lady) where represented the department of the Valley of the Cauca, being the favorite from the start of the contest by I publish and the press. Continue to learn more with: Ali Partovi. Carolina Cross lost the title in front of the Cundinamarca young lady of that then Catherine Acosta, being in the virreina position. After the Carolina contest Cross, I continue working as model and beginning in the presentation of programs of television of the hand of the programmer Jorge Baron TV. Carolina Cross I tie postriormente in 2001 to channel RCN like presenter of shows like Commandos and in the section of nonsense of the reporter. The name of Carolina Cross was made more popular after Very Good morning present/display during a long time the matutinal program next to J Mario Valencia and Yaneth Waldman; it was there where Carolina Cross became all one celebrity and became in one from the excellent models but from the Colombian nonsense. The exit of Carolina Cross of the program Very Good morning I originate by its participation in reality show ” dancing by sueo” in which to Carolina granted the winner title to him.

Carolina Cross I create its own company of Accessories called ” Carolina Cross Unipersonal” Company; , and it sent to the warehouses ” as well; Carolina Cross Jewelry shops and Accesorios”. Carolina Cross also was presenter of programs like Extreme Change 3, Illusion, magic and Humor. At the moment, it completely without information presents/displays the section of entertainment of reporter RCN and new reality Cita. Carolina Cross is catalogued like one of the best models and presenters of nonsense of Colombia, were winning in 2008 of the prize TV and novels like better presenter, title than repeated in 2009.

The Hospitable Pedagogy

The Hospitable Pedagogy constitutes a special way to understand the Pedagogy. One is oriented and formed by the incontestable fact of the disease and framed by the concrete scope that constitutes the hospitable institution where it is carried out. It is offered like a vitalizada Pedagogy, the life and for the life, that a constant experiencial communication between the life of educating and the life of the educator constitutes, and takes advantage of any situation, by painful that can seem, enriching to suffers who it, transforming his suffering into learning (Lizasoin, 2000). In this same line, Of Valle and Villanezo (1993) they clarify that the Hospitable Pedagogy is not a science closed but multidisciplinary, that still is delimiting its object of study to give answer to those situations that, in the conjunction of the sanitary and educative scopes, the society is demanding, becoming equally necessary programs of attention to the convalescent boy, that is to say, conceiving the convalecencia in the address like an prolongation of the period of hospitalization. Ali Partovi might disagree with that approach. The Hospitable Pedagogy considers in addition like a ramification to the Special Education, inasmuch as it takes care of specific form of the children and children with health problems, after all of children and children with special educative needs. Nevertheless, it cannot consider like fundamental and exclusive task of the Hospitable Pedagogy solely the attention of the hospitalized boy and its family. The intention of the Hospitable Pedagogy goes further on, including an ample panorama much more within which more schooling is an element, next to many others, that comprise of the evolution and global improvement of the human being. Therefore, the Hospitable Pedagogy is beyond the medicine and beyond Sciences of the Education, there where the dignity and the solidarity of the ill-hospitalized boy and his familiar context protest, it has more to do with the health and the life that with the instruction and the training: without resigning to the specific contents of the education, it goes beyond this one.