Tag Archives: blogs

6 Tips To Make A Successful Blog

Making a blog is sticky. Only the title has probably made you doubt a bit about this article. Why you want a blog to be sticky?. Let's see how to make a blog to succeed online. Fortunately, it is not as complicated as it sounds.

How to make a successful blog and has a strong base of readers?, "Returning to see the latest updates on a regular basis?. These faithful readers love what you write and always come back. In many respects, a small group of loyal visitors is better than a large number of visitors who come by once and then never return. For faithful readers, a blog should be sticky. In other words, those who come to read what you wrote, you'll love it enough to get him back to blog regularly.

There are ways to achieve this stickiness. Here are some tips you might find useful. Focus on a topic. Try to keep a list of categories of short-term. People who come to read your blog often, they come because they find a theme interesting. Deviation from a particular subject area to start another and so will only create a lot of boring readers finally pull away. Maintaining an interesting topic explaining write more about that particular topic, keep readers who came back to learn more. Interactivity. Internet today is for interaction. A blog is no different. Your readers can make great ideas and some ideas can make your blog better, but you never know if they do not interact with them. A blog is not just a place to post and read. Your readers can comment, in the manner as possible if they have questions, you should respond in a respectful manner. Comment on the Commentaries. Readers when they leave their comments should not be ignored. Responds to the largest possible number of them. When you note that your comments have no answers, readers begin to think they are being ignored and unappreciated. That does not bode well for the future of your blog. No need to respond to every comment individually. Sometimes you respond to a lot of comments in a single extended commentary. This will save you time and keep things focused. Ask your readers. Everybody has opinions, and almost everyone likes to take these views to whom we want to hear. Ask the opinions of the readers to make valuable contributions directly to the blog. The good thing is that a question requires an answer, which can then comment. Debate. The blog is about your thoughts on a particular topic. Sometimes, visitors come via a source that does not agree with your post and comments about their disagreement, using this you can see what your readers think. Even those who do not comment enjoy the part of the controversy has been injected into the speech you disagree with a comment left by a reader. Just remember to do so respectfully and readers will respect you for it.


Make your blog popular is a lot like directing traffic to a website. You can use many of the same techniques to send traffic to your blog. Finding places to put a link to your blog is a good way to get traffic. Social networks such as MySpace, Facebook and YouTube provide a wealth of opportunities for ello.Tambien can use social book marking sites like Reddit, StumbleUpon and Digg for promote your blog. Create your blog on a popular site like WordPress and Blogger are good ways to make your blog more popular as these sites help to bring traffic to your blog.Ya Whether you have a blog on the network of blogs or blog independently hosted on your hosting, you will need to make sure your blog is well designed.

It is true that content is king, and if a blog has great content can get a lot of traffic even though it is ugly, but well designed to have a blog that is not ugly or annoying contribute to the repeated shipping traffic , meaning that visitors will want to return again and again. Keep Internet formalities such as links in blue and use large fonts for headers. Paragraphs and post you split your posts into short paragraphs, each with a title if possible because Internet readers tend to scan the screen in search of information rather than reading everything word for word. Make sure the colors do not contrast too strong and make the text easier to read.