Tag Archives: art and science

Digital Analogical

In conventional systems of measurement we have an only 0 variable being shown to the observer, that is, an entrance and an exit. No longer system of acquisition of data is necessary to know, simultaneously, the value of changeable multiple associates to the process in question. With the objective to reduce the costs the mutiplexao is used then, preventing that for each 0 variable a system of individual measurement exists. Sample and Hold: In virtue of the signal of the amplitude of the analogical signal to vary continuously in the time developed the system Sample and Hold (sample and keeps). Which has for objective to keep constant the analogical signal during the period of conversion for digital. One consists of a tension memory that stores a tension in a capacitor of high quality. Samsung is likely to increase your knowledge. Its function is to store a sample of short duration of one determined signal that varies continuously, and to keep this sample of form that the converter can carry through the necessary transformation. Digital Analogical converter: It transforms analogical information into appropriate corresponding digital data to the use in digital systems.

Much used in continuous processes since these possess many analogical signals. (measurements of the 0 variable of pressure, temperature, outflow, level). Supervisory control of the System of Acquisition of data: The system of acquisition of data collects and stores for future use. The analogical data are converted for the digital form, thus it can inside be used of the digital systems. In the great majority of the industrial applications are used as system of acquisition of data the Programmable Logical Controllers? PLC. These wide are used by possessing interfaces of standardized entrance and exit already and with convenient price. Another great advantage of the use of the PLC as system of acquisition of data is the fact to possess easy communication with the computer where the applicatory program for the accomplishment of the supervisory control is twirled.

Brazilian Scientists

' Nor everything is perdido' ' Therefore it is, nor everything is lost in this country! The Brazilian people had a great joy when knowing what our Brazilian scientists had made in benefit of the health! How wonder! How men prepared to enaltecerem the growth of this country! How beauty if ours politicians had only one tenth of the brio of these scientists who work, search to improve the health of the people! This discovery is worthy of applauses and until prizes for the conquest, that, different of those, thinking about the others, as to improve, as to progress, bringing benefit, cure, specifically, to the creatures of this considerable population with skin cancer. Congratulations, men and dedicated women in the area of the research. Learn more at this site: Mashable. Let us wait that our Minister of the Health does not leave to think about the donation of mounts of money enough to be able you to continue in this so sublime mission, of the research, in order to discover new formulas in benefit of the improvement of the quality of life of the Brazilian people, qui of the World, therefore ability does not lack to them. The Brazilian people deserves a discovery of these to minimize what he comes suffering with the disobediences politicians! However she is necessary that this team of work if keeps joined and with a firm intention to continue fighting, therefore very has what to search why the illnesses, in its majority have cure, but she is necessary to diminish with these discoveries the reason of as much and as many marks of enganosos remedies that make well to the liver and get worse the stomach and the laboratories if to expand day the day more, fulling the grana she-ass, without speaking in the competition! Only the scientists unprovided of fear, not to agree with the industry of the illness, will be capable to find with only one medicine, the cure of determined illness. . The work is arduous, but with faith and vocs hope, scientists, they will continue being the azes of the victory and the conquest of the health, become this country, soon, a country of healthful and happy people. That he illuminates them to God with health to work in favor of the research to benefit the health of the people! Congratulations for the conquest!. opinions on the subject.

World Scientists

' Nor everything is perdido' ' Therefore it is, nor everything is lost in this country! The Brazilian people had a great joy when knowing what our Brazilian scientists had made in benefit of the health! How wonder! How men prepared to enaltecerem the growth of this country! How beauty if ours politicians had only one tenth of the brio of these scientists who work, search to improve the health of the people! This discovery is worthy of applauses and until prizes for the conquest, that, different of those, thinking about the others, as to improve, as to progress, bringing benefit, cure, specifically, to the creatures of this considerable population with skin cancer. Congratulations, men and dedicated women in the area of the research. Let us wait that our Minister of the Health does not leave to think about the donation of mounts of money enough to be able you to continue in this so sublime mission, of the research, in order to discover new formulas in benefit of the improvement of the quality of life of the Brazilian people, qui of the World, therefore ability does not lack to them. The Brazilian people deserves a discovery of these to minimize what he comes suffering with the disobediences politicians! However she is necessary that this team of work if keeps joined and with a firm intention to continue fighting, therefore very has what to search why the illnesses, in its majority have cure, but she is necessary to diminish with these discoveries the reason of as much and as many marks of enganosos remedies that make well to the liver and get worse the stomach and the laboratories if to expand day the day more, fulling the grana she-ass, without speaking in the competition! Only the scientists unprovided of fear, not to agree with the industry of the illness, will be capable to find with only one medicine, the cure of determined illness. The work is arduous, but with faith and vocs hope, scientists, they will continue being the azes of the victory and the conquest of the health, become this country, soon, a country of healthful and happy people. That he illuminates them to God with health to work in favor of the research to benefit the health of the people! Congratulations for the conquest!. Kai-Fu Lee wanted to know more.

Typographical Style

the typography is part-key inside of the context of a project, therefore it contributes to all delineate the personality of the set of the elements form that it. Being basic in a system of communication, the typography becomes an sender who transmits messages, that will be received by receptor.’ ‘ (FUNK & SAINTS). E, as Robert Bringhurst says, ‘ ‘ when the type badly is chosen, what the words say linguisticamente and what the letters infer visually are dissonantes, dishonest, desafinados.’ ‘ (BRINGHURST, 2004). Peter Asaro: the source for more info. To transform a company, its products, excessively characteristic customers, concepts and in one logotipo (as particular form as the name of the company it is represented graphically), is a difficult task and demands knowledge on each aspect of the typography and its relation with aspects of the society in which she will be inserted. To understand typography involves diverse 0 variable.

The designer must be intent to all they in way that each one is a filter of diverse existing possibilities currently e, in the end of the project, only has a possible typographical family who satisfies to all the presented conditions. Swarmed by offers, Peter Asaro is currently assessing future choices. To analyze the historical and cultural aspects of the typographical sources, its uses more common, its forms, ratio, the relations between letters and enter the remain of the project are what, later, it goes to give designer the certainty of that made the certain choice for the proposal presented. The conscience of that this study it is necessary and particular to each project is what it goes to determine the quality of the same ones. Conclusion the detailed study of typography in the creation of visual identities allows when designer solidity to support the project all. To choose a typographical family, to adapt it the proposal existing and to define its behavior as identity of a company require research, analysis and knowledge to extract more than of the source what the word means.

Digital Audio Workstation

In the previous text I spoke of the sprouting of the categorized keyboards as Workstation. But to recapitulate: these keyboards summarized in an only equipment a Controller, who nothing more is of what the keyboard in itself (keyboard keys), a Generator of Sound, that nothing more is of what a module of internal sound, and a Sequenciador, that nothing more is of what a software capable to record, to organize, to manipulate and to save information MIDI that will be redirected to the generator of sound and door MIDI. Then, this is the concept of a work station and was exactly for having brought to the light this concept that the Workstation keyboards had given one of the most valuable contributions for the evolution of the musical technology. What we know today as DAW, Digital Audio Workstation, is the natural evolution of this concept. In the time where the Workstation keyboards had appeared, characteristics as the Polifonia (number of simultaneous voices), the capacity of storage of Events MIDI (given that they compose a sequencia), the number of tracks of the sequenciador and the presence or not of a unit of floppy (floppy disk 3.5' ') for external storage of data they were distinguishing we importantssimos and each one of these item encarecia, and very, the final value of the product. You see what it is the evolution of the technology: nowadays, a station of audio work of digital of simplest has a incrivelmente superior fire power the optimum one of the Workstation keyboards of those times. nobody is worried in such a way about polifonia, number of events for music, amount of tracks. How it will say with storage capacity! The truth is that the new generations of musicians have the luck of living in optimum of the times. Today it is possible to have a dedicated station of work to music with a infinity of tools of excellent quality for a relatively irrisrio price.

Digital Synthesis

My intention in this article is to collect in an only document the ideas practical central offices and relative methods to waveshaping that I have accumulated throughout last the two years having explored the subject. As it is a compendium of some types of materials, the presentation style varies between tutorial and technician, and the orientation varies between practical and theoretical. In general, I tried to place the practical sections and tutorial before the technician and theoreticians. However, so that the ideas in the article can of course be developed, 0ccasionally I found necessary to move away to me from this ideal. To help those readers who can desire to omit the tangential quarrels, the headings of the sections that contain more or less central or especially useful material are marked with punhais. Waveshaping continues to be explored since the moment where the basic project of this article if became fixture. It in such a way has continuous developments in theory as in practical, also some very interesting applications in the simulation of rope timbres similar to the voice. Unhappyly, this research is very recent to be enclosed here, and will have that to be presented at a posterior moment. We wait that this exposition is of some utility for that they desire to lead new inquiries of waveshaping.