Sixth Generation

New 2D-Code-Scanner of the Barcodat the Xenon Xenon series 1900 series devices are the sixth generation of Honeywell area-imaging technology and set new standards at hand scanners. With a sensor optimized individually for bar code scanning, the Xenon offers 1900 superior performance and reliability for a variety of applications that rely on the versatility of area imaging technology. The Xenon series by Honeywell scanning & mobility is new in the portfolio of Barcodat GmbH, provider of bar code systems from Dornstetten. It represents a new generation of 2D-Code-Lesegeraten. The models combine for the first time the proven Adaptus imaging technology in the sixth generation with the decoding software from Omniplanar’s SwiftDecoder. The Xenon provides an extended depth of field range, faster read times, improved scanning performance and a faster flow of data almost all bar code scanning. It is wired and wirelessly with Bluetooth.

The scanners read effortlessly linear bar codes with high print densities, 2D codes, as well as displays of mobile devices. You provide an improved image capture including automatic exemption, improved resolution and sharpness filter. This increases the flexibility and facilitates integration with existing applications. The combined SwiftDecoder software detects even damaged or difficult to read bar codes. The Xenon series is equipped with the TotalFreedom development platform. Applications for image processing, decoding, and formatting directly on the scanner can be realized. The Xenon DAQ devices are with the scanner management software remote MasterMind (ReM) by Honeywell compatible. With her, IT administrators can manage comfortably all scanners of your network from a remote location. So, you can update the devices, for example, track or their software. For medical and laboratory use, the scanner is optionally available with a disinfectant-resistant housing.