Nuclear Families

For reasons several, the nuclear family father, mother, children each time if dissolves more quickly, or not even it arrives to consist, being substituted for the monoparental families and the unions of fact. The nuclear families, who still remain themselves complete and coesas, comungando objectivos common of security, afectividade, feeding, kinship, solidarity and loving union, in turn, many of them, enough are not prepared to give a compatible education with the change that if praises. Equally if she must consider, still, the exercise of the authority in the seio of the family, which also will have been sufficiently weakened, not in such a way for the allotment of tasks between the spouses, more because the occupation of the parents and people in charge of education compel them the long absences before the children, perhaps looking for, later, to compensate them with a set of easinesses and objectos of the taste of the children, reducing, much, even for a moral question, the imposition of determined values, principles and rules, what it harms the exercise of the authority. The change of certain educational paradigms, must not only be a objectivo of all the responsible ones for the education and of the school and the family, even so if it recognizes second that in the current situation, characterized for a certain positivista mentality excessively, relegating for plain other dimensions and values, not to be easy to the families and the society, because also, of some form, already the effective paradigms interiorizaram, not being guaranteed that if it obtains to modify mentalities, already crystallized well, exactly to the level of the school, the humanistic areas, not to be developed enough, mainly in the schools technician-professionals. The alleged infalibilidade of science and the technique; so divulged insubstituabilidade of these domnios; a certain preconception of reinante superiority in some communities, makes it difficult the urgent interdisciplinaridade between abstractos science, technique, knowledge, subjectividade of analyses and position, when, in good truth, it does not seem to exist incompatibility between those domnios.