Digital Printing

Finger play. A special role in development of fine motor skills play finger games – a kind of exercise for the development of small muscles of the fingers. They allow korregirovat movement of each finger separately and against each other, train accurate motor responses. Finger games organized in the introductory part sessions or after a strenuous visual work as leisure. They develop coordination, helping to concentrate attention. 3. Fine correction skills. To generate more accurate and coordinated visual-motor response, to overcome uncertainty and constrained arm movements during work in notebooks or albums, use different types of visual correction skills.

a) Correction of the accuracy of the direction of his hands. Purpose: To form ability to conduct long and short vertical and diagonal lines from top to bottom, bottom to top, horizontal lines from left to right, just connecting with each other pictures, the point. Assignment: Show how droplets falling from the clouds in the puddle, the bee flies from flower to flower, the machine goes into the garage, etc. b) Correction of scale movements of the hand at drawing. Assignment: Draw, as the boat floats on the waves.

g) Correction of the formative movements. Assignment: "wound balls" (from the edge and the center in a clockwise direction), taking care not to pull the pencil from the paper, draw in large figures are the same, but gradually decreasing figures, around a small figure draw incremental pieces. d) Correction of images of small objects. If a child draws a very small items, this evidence of rigid fixation of the wrist, that must be overcome. Assignments: Circle, and then draw a large shape (approximately a third of the page) without interrupting your hands. Match-points, taking her hand. With older preschoolers used notebooks in a large square. (For children with low visual acuity in addition razlinovyvaem cells to increase their brightness). This work was carried out twice a week for five to seven minutes as part of a comprehensive training in mathematics, literacy, language development. It is necessary from the outset to follow the correct planting, a regular arrangement of finger-tip on the subject, the correct position the hand and elbow, so as to correct misconceptions writing skills is much more difficult. The system works in notebooks in the cell consists of the following steps: 1. Familiarity with a notebook and a working line. 2. Job "The duration pattern", the vertical and horizontal straight rods and a combination of them: arc, wavy lines, circles and ovals. Check out altavista for additional information. 3. Printing of letters on a cell. 4. Digital Printing. 5. Graphic dictations. 6. Drawing shapes of complex shape by counting the cells in the sample (draw near the same shape and expand it.) In the process of work in a notebook in a child strengthens small muscles of the fingers, improves hand-eye coordination and orientation in mikroprostranstve, develop voluntary attention, visual memory. All this work accompanied by funny poems – to revive the interest of children and monotonous work that some of them do not like to perform. By doing this or that figure, the child not only does the movement arm, but also includes work of speech and auditory analyzers, poems gradually memorized, and the child is involuntarily, drawing something in a notebook, starts to recite lines from them. Thus is produced orechevlenie action. For consolidate the acquired skills of graphic assignments are given at home. In addition, repeated the speech material (vocabulary on the subject, poetic texts, etc.). So being prepared for future writing pupils worked through zvukoproiznoshenie, and in parallel we are working on the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.