Classification Wallpaper

Types of wallpapers: classification and characteristics. What we know about the wallpaper? Yes almost anything if we do not take into account the fact that once you choose for your room wallpaper, we are with them and live for many years, nourished by their energy and raising the general vitality. It's true – when we go to bed or wake up in the morning, our eyes first of all boil down: No, not at her sleeping husband / wife / girlfriend / stranger / stranger, and most that are on our wallpaper. Therefore, they must choose wisely, slowly, so you do not feel all rest of their lives. After all, you never know when you have enough money again to repair? The fact that the wallpaper – it's the most traditional and long-known to all the finishing material. Well, for us this word means? A roll material, usually in Paper-based (but in some cases without), which is attached to wall surfaces with adhesive. With careful deeper into the topic, it appears that most of these wallpapers so many forms: scatter eyes while something will choose suitable, beautiful and comfortable.

Classification Wallpaper vodostoykocti: – free routine. Such ekzemplyarchiki not withstand water, they require only a dry rub (rub some contaminated areas with a cloth or processing of vacuuming, but without contact with the wallpaper brush) – waterproof wallpaper. These, by contrast, kept rubbing the less contaminated areas with a damp sponge or soft cloth without the use of detergents – washable wallpaper – maintain clean water and detergents; – Free high-resistant – vinyl. These are clear and can withstand all of the above even more. By type of surface: – plain wallpaper – wallpaper with a raised pattern, and applied to surface in the production process – from wallpaper squeezed a small figure – with a deep pattern wallpaper – multilayer.