Artistic Parquet

Criteria for selection of floor coverings for every home on your own. Someone in the first place puts the price someone is quality and high durability, someone will choose, based purely on appearance, the presence of various designs and colors. Educate yourself with thoughts from Mikkel Svane. To date, about himself, said another criterion, which for many begins to occupy a leading position even – ecological and natural. Harmless floor now also relevant and trendy, as well as healthy food. Perfect option, fully meets this criterion, will undoubtedly parquet, as laminate – it's only artificial turf, linoleum, and may consist of both artificial and natural fibers. Choosing the same floorboard, you can always choose eco-friendly, totally harmless and durable floor. The fashion for natural wood floor is constant, and every year adds a covering even more value.

In the past centuries, such as parquet is the exclusive attribute of the palace premises. Now it is preferred for such exceptional properties as strength, increasing with age, especially heat, elasticity, innocence and natural beauty. This coating is especially beneficial for children's health, as parents do not have to worry that the baby's legs warm and they can safely let him smack on the floor barefoot. There may be differences of colors or tones of color flooring with new furniture. However, even in this case, you can always use tinted and give the floor the other hand, the most suitable color. Toning – it is also a great option to bring the parquet floor in a presentable appearance, if it serves you for many years. But, even so often that he defines parquet further interior space.

And instead of the background is the main element of decoration. Here should say a few words about the art dance floor, as the apex of beauty and uniqueness. Artistic parquet – it is always unique and hard work, because here are taken into account the individual characteristics of each used tree species such as wooden planks from different species of trees should always be chosen so that they are equally responsive to changes in air temperature and humidity of the room. Otherwise, the appearance of cracks and gaps, disfiguring your gender, not long to wait. The complexity of the flooring installation is indicated by the fact that the master has no right to be wrong, because any defect on the surface of the finished hardwood floor will be very noticeable. But such work today is estimated expensive. But getting the final result, each of us is ready to easily forget about the amount of money spent. However, there is still a minor limitation on style. For example, a small room with low ceilings even more visually reduced in such a decoration of the floor. But if you are the owner of the house with high ceilings and wide spaces, it is a covering will be just right (and certainly not laminate) add luxury and individuality to your royal chambers. It is worth mentioning separately the need to care for flooring. It is particularly important here to consider fluctuations in temperature. Always make sure that a humidity and temperature in room was on one level. Strong differences can be very negative impact on your field. Remember, this is a "living" natural coating that just like you do not like being too hot or too cold.

Marketing Strategies

Marketing strategies so that a business be featured not only simply the best product or service, if the company is not to recognize the market through a business plan effectively and well plotted, most likely affecting in such magnitude this may need to terminate operations. You have marketingexitosas strategies can encourage significantly the recognition of the company, the expansion of the market and consumer loyalty. For even more analysis, hear from Mashable. The marketingson increasingly more innovative strategies, so what one day may be the perfect setting for a successful advertising campaign in another atmosphere can result a failure fatal, thus forcing a business to renew or die. For this reason Philip Kotler was established 7 strategies winning before marketing as competitive market, these marketing strategies improves the chances of success in the world of the 21st century; These are: low-cost strategy (Wal mart, Soriana, Smart) create a different experience for consumers (who make consumer willingness to pay more money for a service or product even When at the same price in the rival) innovate (address in doing different things) business model give maximum quality in the product (to attract users who want the best) focus on market niches being innovative (can be used in any type of business) and be the best in design (there are clients that require well-planned products, E.g.(: Apple). Marketingbuscan strategies meet the client, your current and future requirements, as well as narrow niche markets together with its estimate.


Evidenced in last estrofe, where a great difference between two poems inhabits, the space referencial, the romantic poem mentions Brazil to it, of Oswald de Andrade mentions the So Paulo to it, symbol of the progress of the country. 3. FINAL CONSIDERAES Ahead of what it was displayed throughout this research, were proved that texts are susceptible to the influence of previous texts, keeping interior and exterior relations with them. The texts dialogue between itself for the most varied forms and purposes. Using itself of the analysis of the content of two poems we importantssimos of Brazilian literature, ‘ ‘ Song of exlio’ ‘ of Gonalves Days and ‘ ‘ I sing of return to ptria’ ‘ of Oswald de Andrade, pertaining the different and ambientados literary schools in different partner-cultural contexts, as dialogue actively with the first one, by means of the resource of the parody.

Both present nationalism as subject, however in different vises, the poem of Gonalves Days presents a romantic, exaggerated vision and proud, a perfect native land, already intertexto presents a vision next to the reader, using simple terms, not only shows to the virtues more also the imperfections of the nation, as the aluso to the slavery and for the fact of ‘ ‘ terra’ ‘ to have ‘ ‘ almost more amores’ ‘ , demonstrating a realistic vision of the poet in relation to the native land. In such a way, it confirms itself that a text does not possess a complete autonomy, does not appear ‘ ‘ of nada’ ‘ , it always keeps a intertextual relation with other texts. For this, authors use the most varied forms of manifestation of the intertextualidade. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES BAKHTIN, Mikhail. Questions of aesthetic literature and. So Paulo: Hucitec, 1988.

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